First day of college

Soojin feel like she was about to blast out in anger. Her mood was spoiled so she decided to went back to her apartment.

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Kim hae jin was shocked and startled.

He keep staring her back. She looked like fuming lioness who was about to kill her pry.

'Babe.... Long time no see.' He smiled before going back to the car.

"Let's go." Kim hae jin order.

"Yes Boss " The driver start to drive.

Kim hae jin continues to work on the laptop. Lee suk took a deep breath before opening his mouth. "Boss...Are you fine?"

"~Sigh~I'm not sure." kim hae jin said before closing his eyes.

'How can I be fine? Can I? My only one love forget me. She didn't even know my existence. She forgot everything between us. She forgot about our relationship. She can forget me but she can't forget our relation.... Our... Love..... Maybe.....'

Kim hae jin had come to the USA to make sure that she will fine. He know that he can rely on yong but he want to make sure that she fine and secure.

The identity of yong soojin isn't simple. She can hide her identity from the world but it is not easy to safe from the eyes of enemies.

As a yong miss of yong.... Everyone eyed on her heels so they can pull her off and if anybody knew that she was related with young successor kim hae jin. It will be no longer nice. So kim hae jin want to secure her security.


The week spend in the blink. It was the first day of her college. She was excited to see her college and make new friends so she didn't even sleep.

She quickly took her bath and changed inro college wear.

She start her car and starts to drive to college. College wasn't far from her apartment so she got their in 10 minutes.

It wasn't hard to find because of brief explanation of Principal. She had met him on the way to the class.

Soojin got into the class. Everyone in the class look at her. She was like snow white. Beautiful word will be less in front of her.

"Student Today we have a new exchanged student. Please introduce yourself." The homeroom teacher said.

"Hello everyone... I'm Yong soojin. Please take care of me." Soojin greet and then make her way to empty seats.

"Hello... I'm Mia. Happy to meet you.."Mia greet soojin before instructing her to sit next to her.

" Hello mia.... Happy to see you. "

" I am Russian-Korean and how about you? "Mia asked.

" Uh.... I am Korean." They smile each other and then keep their focus on the lecture.

For past few months, Her life goes on smoothly. Home to college, College to market and market to home.

She wasn't bored anymore. Sometimes she play out with mia and some other new friend. She was happy in the new environment but sometimes she feel sad maybe she miss her family.

Soojin was happy but someone doesn't.

Kim hae jin!!!!!

He was so sad. It has been 6 months since he saw her. He wanted to fly to her but he cannot do so....

He had two reasons not to do so.

First he wasn't sure that he can go in front her for now and he feared that it might negatively effect her.

And second he need to take care of someone and that's none other then kim jong suk. He caled him little bun. Little bun is 14 months child.

Little bun was a cute child. He wasn't like other misbehavior children. He was silent and peace loving child like his father. As a 14 months child he should be playful and talkative but he was opposite.

Even everyone thought that he was autism if not one day he cried while calling mom in the middle of the night everyone would thought that he cannot speak.

It was pity for small child to grow without mom. Since then Kim hae jin give his more time to him. He was always there for little bun as a fillia father. He fulfilled his every wish except seeing his mother.