Mrs.Kim start to think for Mr.Kim

-Present time-

When I woke up. I saw unfamiliar places. As I was going to call someone help,I heard someone coming.

"Wife, How you feeling now? Let me call doctor." Mr.Kim said in panic. As he was going to call doctor I stopped him.

"I am fine. No need to call doctor. Can I ask you why I am here?" I asked him. "As much as I remember we went to shopping and while returning I saw injured person and I blackout? But why I am here in emergency ward?"

I glare at Kim hae jin as my expression saying that I am waiting for his response.

He cough awkwardly. "Well when you blackout at the market I go panicked and I brought you here. Doctors said that you faint because you can't handle seeing blood and people in the danger. So I wanted to stay here so they can observe your symptoms and can cure."

"Oh...when can I leave?" I asked him

"The after tomorrow." Kim hae jin said.

I look him with seriously. "Are you kidding me? Don't tell me I have serious disease?"

As I just finished my word. He roared out "No you don't have any serious disease and I won't let anything happen to you." He said pitifully and why I feel like he let his guard off . As I catch him.

"OK. I understand." I casually said.

-- -- -- --

For 2 days, I have to stay in the hospital. little bun and parent in laws came to visit. Little bun want to stay with me but I managed to pursue him to go home and rest.

I pursue little bun but I can't make his father to leave. While I was in the hospital, Mr.Kim never leave my side. He stayed with me.

On the first night of my stay in hospital I asked him, "Mr.Kim you can go home and rest. You might have work tomorrow?"

Kim hae jin looked at me. His eyes were delightful he casually comments, "Why? Are you worried about me?"

"Mnmm..... I don't want to be reason for your company loss." I said.

"Oh.i thought Mrs.Kim finally started to think about Mr.Kim."He said with full of disappointment.

I was going to said something but I think it's good to end the topic here. We might be fighting afterwards.

In these two days, I get to know more about Kim hae jin. He wasn't cruel as I thought he would be.

He was hot temper but he never showed to me. He got me all my favorite food and sometimes I feel like he knew me from the very beginning.

- - - - -

I got discharged after 2 days. When I returned home Kim hae jin parents were already return to main Kim resident.

Little bun was waiting for me at the front door. When he saw me, He run towards me.

"Momma, Welcome home."

I bent down and carried him, "Thank you darling." I kissed his soft cheeks.

'Kim hae jin pro'

As a demon CEO, I never feel guilty about my ruthless sins except our past incidents. I always feel guilty for not being able to save her from that incident.

I know it was my fault and I deserve everything that happing to me. Her cold behavior, her guard against me and the fact she forget me.

The way she looked at me, talk to me and ignore me, My heart felt ache. I want to tell her that I am the man whom she love. I am her man who she misses and love but now she forgot me. 'HER MAN'

I want to tell her everything that she forgot but I fear that she will hate me, She will distant from me and never want to see my face. That is the only one thing I fear in my life.

When she got fainted in the market, My nerves got panicked. Past nightmare got in front my eyes. Everything got blur in my head. All I see was her fainting in my arms and the things I can think is to get her to the hospital.

I was in deep thought when I heard soojin calling. My thoughts got snapped as i looked at her figures going inside with little bun. She turned over last time before she called out.

"Mr.Kim let's go"

Soojin was carrying little bun as she was catching up with little bun. She kissed on his cheek. Little bun seemed to be a little embarrassed but he was enjoying his time with his mother.

By looking at them, I feel jealous. He was getting kisses while I get deadly stare, He was getting motherly love when I get unwanted distant respect. I know it's ridiculous to get jealous when your wife was loving your son.

But I can't help but get jealous, I also want to get her kisses, hugs and more intimate things like before.