
Soojin stupidity look.... No.... Stare at the running man. Unconsciously she touch her lips and forehead. She still feels warm kisses on her lips and head.

Soojin slightly.. No... Deeply feel embarrassed and blush.

It take a while her to come back to her senses. It was also thank to maid who came to ask for breakfast menu.

_ _ _

Soojin try her best to make food tasty. She keep giggling or fussing for time to time.

She was thinking about Kim hae Jin and his sudden behaviors( sudden kiss) and what will she say or do.

Later on dining table, Soojin prepared a small feast Steamed Buns Stuffed with Meat, chicken Soup,Fried Rice, Lemon Chicken and Pancakes with Eggs.

Little bun stir in his breakfast. It really tastes good and even more when your mother cooked specially for you.

Kim hae Jin was sitting on his chair while Soojin was sitting far away from him and as for Little bun, He sit beside her.

Soojin steal a glance..... No..... A stare at the Kim hae Jin. Her heart was freaking out, She felt like fish out of the water... Um....wrong example I guess.

Soojin felt nervous along with butterflies in her stomach, she experience a pang of nervousness.

When her heart was going to blow up and her mind was stopped working, The culprit was sitting there and acting like nothing happened.

Kim hae Jin :"Little bun! Look at your mom. She is daydreaming. Ask her if something happened?" He mock her.

Little bun look at his mother and scan if she was hurt anywhere.

Little bun:"Mommy! Are you fine? Are you sad? You are angry with Little bun?" He questioned disappointingly and sadly.

Soojin stare Kim hae Jin. It was saying 'You're dead' Before she could comfort her little champion.

Soojin:"Baby What mummy said you this morning."

Little bunny:"em.... Exercise is good and."

Soojin cut Little bun's word between and said, "Your dad is stupid! No need to believe his Word okay, Mommy is really happy today and she she think you're the best. So don't believe his stupid comment."

Little bun chortle. "OK mommy I will do as you says"

Kim hae Jin want to bicker and want them to apologize for calling him stupid but. But... But... He was afraid. Afraid of his wife and her bold actions. Which were enough to make him beg.

After some thought he finalized that it's better to keep silent before his woman made him speechless.

Kim hae Jin sometime regert of his past doing, he had been getting paid for his past actions. He really knows his mistakes and want to make... Things right.

_ _ -_ _

After that bickering section, They eat their breakfast silently and decided to watch movies together. They watched Dumbo and Aladdin.

(The first was Dumbo, the heartstring-tugging tale of the flying elephant, which stars Colin Farrell as the circus' elephant caretaker. The movie is directed by Tim Burton.) [A/N>recommended this to watch. Really funny and entertaining]

(The second Disney remake of 2019 is Aladdin, from the frenetic director of Snatch and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. ) [Thrilling and entertaining] =>(Source Wikipedia & personal experience)

Little bun was tired from the morning walk so he dozed off before second movie Aladdin interval.

Soojin look at Little bun sleep. So she tried to take him to his room (Or she was trying to run off) But Kim hae Jin request to finish movie first.

Both of them were silent. They were enjoying the movie and each other company silently. Little bun was sleeping in the middle of them. Head on mother's lap and butt toward his dad. (Haha... Same as me in my childhood memories during movie night/Daylight)