Staying at his place 1

After many discussion and pity acting by both. They both did not come to any conclusions. Soojin still against of going and staying there. Mr.yong did not have any option but to ask his wife for help.

It's not that soojin did not respect him. she do but she don't want to go there. maybe she fear that her attraction for him will increase which may hurt her at the end

Her thought and her decision was broke when her mother called her.

''Hello ma'' she said

''Why?why don't you want to stay in house? Your father has urgent matter to attend and i am going to america so i won't be able to come there."she burst at her daughter


''Ma i can stay lone. It's just for few days." soojin try to calmher angry old woman.

"That's what we are saying only for few days.stay at place and we can't let you stay at apartment alone. "

"mom i need to worry about me."

"you are going to stay at their place and that's an order. Make sure to behave. Don't make me and yong family ashamed"

-Next morning-Outside of yong villa

Soojin was standing outside the villa. She was quiet nervous. she really hope that her feeling don't make her ashamed and hope to leave this places soon as possible

"Baby, let's go inside. I have to leave early." Mr. Yong said.

"OK dad"

Mr and Mrs Kim were waiting for them inside the hallway.

"Hello my friend and madam" Mr. Yong said

"Hello Master and madam" soojin said.

"welcome my friend. We're waiting for you." Mr. Kim said.

"Welcome Mr.yong and soojin. Have a sit." Mrs. Kim said.

"Thank you madam but I have a flight to caught up. So I would like to leave"

"OH OK have a good flight. Mr.yong"

"Thank you madam. Friend I am leaving. Thank you for taking care of my daughter."Mr.yong said.

" Don't worry my friend. She's on safe hands. " said.

Mr.yong leave after short conversation with his daughter.

"Housekeeper please take miss to her room. Soojin please make yourself home." Mrs.Kim said.

"Thank you madam. Sorry for troubling you." Soojin said with mint voice.

"There's nothing trouble about it and just call us auntie and uncle." madam said

"OK auntie . Thank you." Mr and Mrs Kim were happy to welcome such a cute guest.

She went to her room. It was white themed room. She thanked housekeeper before dismissing him.

She looked around the room. It was beautiful and warm but she couldn't get adjusted and she miss her home and room.

Mr and mrs Kim were kindhearted but they were just strangers whom she meets twice. This Kim villa is big like yong but this isn't not her house. She has to mind her behavior not to embarrass yong family.

It was lunch time when time when housekeeper came to say that lunch was ready and called her for lunch.

She went out after she changed her dress.

When she got at dinning,she saw him sitting there with two girl next to him. One was his sister and another must the girl from the party. She predict that she must be his girlfriend.

She walked toward the chair beside madam kim and greeted her.

''Good afternoon Auntie.''She didn't see so she believe that he must have gone to office.

"Good afternoon soojin. sit down,you must be hungry by now." Soojin sit and smiled at people opposite to her.

Soojin start to gulp. She was feeling awkward when kim hae jin sister introduce herself.

"I'm kim xung. Your name is yong soojin right?" She asked

"Yes. Its pleasure to meet kim xung."

"Just call me xung. My broter kim hae jin and his friend Park jae in." she introduced.

"Hello Nice to meet you.'' Soojin smiled and said.

"Same here" park jae in said. Kim hae jin only nod his head.

''You have admitted in which university?"Kim Xung asked.

''SNU''Soojin said while drinking soup.

''oh.What a coincident.My brother and sister jae in also study there."

Soojin smiled as she was telling good but she didn't care at all. She just want to study without obligation and become successful.

"Soojin Which course are you studying?"Madam asked.

"Auntie i'm studying Management and Art." Soojin said.

"Two course,why?"Madam asked

"I like to write but my parent want me study business so i can handle business so,i decide to study both."She made small and clear not to feel like she's bragging herself.

"Good. please eat" madam kim put some meat on her bowl.

Kim Xung question didn't stopped there.she keep asking more.Soojin answer her curiosity.Soojin felt like she was on some interview.