Talking to him

Soojin walk in while gathering her courage. She really hate going inside but that hyun bin forced her to walk inside.

"Shit, I hate this.." Soojin was murmuring herself, only if she know that kim hae jin was listening her.

The door open slowly. The theme was 90'S . Old furniture, Spider net and some of other scary tool.They were enough to make soojin scared.

She was walking without any sense. She keep walking, Suddenly staff who was dressed up as ghost showed up which give her mini heartache.

"Mummy....ahhh....." Soojin suddenly looked back and front. She didn't find her friends. She was all alone.

''That bastard made me to do this. i am going to kill him." Soojin was cursing when she felt some one was coming.

She try to make her heart strong. She was praying that no body shown up.

Suddenly someone put hand on her shoulder she screamed."ah ah ah."

She start to beat and kick without looking. She wasn't even able to open her eyes

Kim hae was shocked when she start to kick and beat. He wasn't angry though. He knew she might be too scared.They were at the exist of hunted house when they notice soojin wasn't with them.

"Brother where is soojin.'' Xung got panicked.

"Yeah,She go lost. What to do?" Park jae in said.

"Should we go back?"Hyun bin suggest.

"No,You all go out and wait. I will go and find her." Kim hae jin said. He was just mearly fulfilling his responsibility

"Let's all go together so we can find her sooner. She might be scared." Hyun bin show his concern.

"No, You take xung and Park Jae in outside first. No need to create chores here." Kim hae Jin cooldly said.

Like he didn't care whatever they do or not. In fact he was concerned about the lady who was Park Jae in. He was worried that she might be scared and want her to stay out.

Kim hae Jin was actually scolding soojin for creating problems for him. All he care about his lover.

When he went ins to search soojin. He found her phone. After walking deeper in the house, He saw a young girl shaking.

It was soojin. She was just praying God that no one show up. She was trying to find a way to get out of the house.

Soojin feel that someone was walking near and putting his hand on her hand. She panicked and fell in the ground. She scream out of her lungs. "Ah...."

She did not open her eyes. She just curse and scream out of her lung "You psycho, creep, jerk. Leave me alone. I am going to kick your ass out of your body."

"Really? Try it if you can?" Kim hae Jin coldly thread. He wasn't angry. He was just amazed that this little girl was really capable of cursing.He guessed that she might be to scare that made her curse brutal like that.

Soojin was shocked hearing the voice. She opened her eyes and guess what she was more scared than while she was ghost. He was cold scaring living monster.

She unconsciously step back. "You.... .young master kim why are you here?"

"you were lost and father would have killed me if any thing happened to you." He said.

It might be the first time he speak more than 2 words with her.

"Oh...I'm sorry for inconvenience." Soojin apologize. She wasn't solely to blame. It was that Hyun bin who forced her to play.

"Hm...."Kim hae Jin helped soojin to stand up.

" Thank you "Soojin took his support to stand up but she felt a sharp pain on her knees.

" Ah... "She tried to supress. She don't want him to think that she was trying to get his attention. By judging his expression, he always thought she was pretending to get into his good book.

She struggled to stand but she was trying to stand up and not to let him that she was hurt.

"Are you OK?" Kim hae Jin look at her leg that was shaking.

"Hm... I'm OK." She was trying to suppress her voice. But pain was greater than her determination.

He bent down and slowly pulled her leg up. It was Swelling. He looked at her face like she was saying. 'Shit. It pains and he knows?' actually she was thinking the same.

"It's swelling. Let's get to the hospital." He said.

She just looked at him and did not say anything.

"Will you able to walk? Should I carry you out?" Kim hae Jin asked.

Soojin shake her head. "I can walk. Just help me to up."

Kim hae Jin did as she said. He slowly help her to walk. They were walking hand in hand. Both of them were silent and awkward.

"I'm sorry. I was so afraid that I fall." soojin try to apologize.

"'s OK. It's not solely your fault. I should have taken care of you." Kim hae Jin genuinely feel like that she was hurt because of his carelessness. She came here as his responsibility and he should have taken care of her.

"It's not your fault. It's all...that Hyun bin fault. If he did not force me to come inside,then nothing would happened. That scum must be enjoying a lot and he would be very happy to know that i was scared to death..that mon..''

She was scolding Hyun bin when she realized that she should not. She looked at Kim hae Jin. He was not saying anything.

"I'm sorry. I should not have insult your friend." She again apologized.

"Nah... It's OK. He deserves it. It was indeed his fault to force you to come here." Kim hae Jin said. When she was scolding Hyun bin, He felt so funny and wanted to laugh but he did not do it.

They both scold him and talked a Little bit. The surrounding got ease. Both of them get to know little bit of each other.

'She isn't like other heiress of wealthy family who only knew how to take advantage of other. She she quite pure and friendly. I hope she remain same pure and easy-going.' He point of view for about her change a little bit.

Soojin also find that he could be friendly. She hopes to be friend with him. She really don't have any feelings for him anymore when she knew that he already loved Park Jae in. He did not want to have nasty love life.