Soojin new friend

Soojin pov.:

We talked a lot. Me and Hyun bin. Even though he's flirt and bully he was a quite gentle man. He was ambitious and wanted to be an movie

director. He even was working as assistant director in the upcoming web series 'faith'

"Wow. I guess this movie is going to hit." I said.

"Why? You seem to devote and trust me a lot?" He seductively said and look at me.

"Come on bro. You break every image that I create for you. I said it's going to be a hit because the cast of the drama and well known director" I criticize him.

He cough coldly." Whatever! Do you have my phone number"

"No Why? " I asked in questionnaire look.

"Idiot:( so you can call me when you miss me." Hyun bin took out his phone. I really wanted to rebuke his word but I just let it go and not his number in my phone. "

We talked a lot of nonsense and get to my destination, hostel in 30 minutes.

"OK beautiful. We are at your hostel. Call me when you need me and remind me." Hyun said before driving.

I looked at the way he drove off his car.I knew little about him. He was the son of famous architecture Hyun Minsu and su neena. His family wasn't as rich as Kim family but they were not poor either. His father was self built rich person.

Hyun bin was raised in the friendly environment and he was really generous and friendly man. He was perfect except his narcissistic behavior. It seem like I found a good friend. I smiled and went inside.

(Soojin was happy to have a new and exciting friend but some one was not happy. She was full of evy and jealousy. If one could die from stare then soojin might have been dead now. Her stare was cold and sharp. Even soojin could felt the coldness in spine.)