A friend.

"A-Aldo?" Evelyn started as she looked up at the Man. "What are you doing here?" she blinked at the sight of the huge man.

"Me?" The man replied incredulously, even with the lack of emotions she had on a space one could tell that he was completely taken aback by what the woman had said. Everyone had fallen into a hushed silence as the two conversed. "Evelyn, you, what are you doing here?"

She opened her mouth to say something but closed it shut like a fish gasping for water.

"And what are those marks on your arms?" He immediately helped her stand up. "Did you?" She did not know who he asked but they were behind her and she heard them deny it.

But her friend didn't believe them.

"Fucking lying to me—"

"They didn't do it." She whispered only for his ears. " They didn't. . . someone else did this." She whispered.

Aldo quieted down after that but did not leave her shoulders. " Come," She felt him pull her into a direction. Evelyn did not want to go readily with him but given that if she went along where she was previously going she might end up being sold which is why she trusted her friend.

He let her up to some kind of staircase and then they entered a glamorous office. Immediately knew it was his. She knew his style.

"Here, sit. I will call a doctor." He placed her on the couch and then went to his desk where a handset was. She heard him call someone and knew that it was a doctor because he had asked him to bring an emergency kit.

"So?" Aldo waved his hand round. "Even though I know that your father is in the business, this is one of the places I least expected you to see, especially in this kind of situation. Evelyn, I know it cannot be a father, but still I have to ask, was it him?"

She shook her head as she bit her lips. " No, nto him." She whispered out and heard a knock. A man with a white coat came in. The doctor immediately went to Evelyn before asking for Aldo's permission and then straight went to treating her.

"Well then?" He snapped, making her flinch. "What are you keeping me waiting for? Tell me who did this to you. Those marks are of abuse and do not dare lie to me."

She gulped as she watched the doctor tend to her. She hissed when the disinfectant came in contact with her skin.

"Easy doctor." He snapped even more harshly.

"Yes, sir. Apologizes ma'am."

She shook her head with a smile, excusing him. Now thinking of it, he did not even snap at her, what he did to the doctor was much worse.

"It was Rome." She said quietly. Her normal tone it was, as quiet as a mouse.

For a few seconds or even minutes that passed by Aldo did not say anything. At his abnormal silence Evelyn looked up to see that he was staring at her with a shocked face.

"You are still with him?" He barked out. "That good for nothing son of a bitch?"

" Don't say that about his—"

" She was a whore Evelyn!" He snapped, " you and I was supposed to be with him. He cannot offer you anything including the business that your father has. He is in no way to take over anything. . ." He stopped and then frowned, " what did you do? How is it that your father has not separated both of you?"

" He disowned me." She sniffed, tears coming to her eyes as she realised the grave mistake that she had made. She had left her own family for a man who had abused her physically and emotionally and then sold her in the end.

" Because of Rome?"

She nodded.

He sighed and ran a hand over his face. "I do not understand how you could choose a man over family. Now look at this you cannot even go back to them without feeling shame wash over you." He tsked.

She bit her trembling lip to stop herself from crying out loud. Shame was the least of what she felt.

She had made her bed which was full of thorns by pushing away the one that was full of feathers. A father had done everything for her that she could think of and here she was choosing a good for nothing man who provided her with nothing but unhappiness.

"Here," she snapped back to reality and saw Aldo standing right in front of her with the phone held out. The doctor was now standing at a far corner waiting for them to finish.

"What?" She croaked out.

He smiled at her. A smile is reserved for people he knew by heart. "It's your father Evelyn. Tell him and don't be ashamed."

She did. Taking the phone in her hands she held it to her ear and cried out about everything.