College dairies- III

"I didn't care," Salvatore muttered as the other person continued to talk on the other end of the call, "what I want, is the fucking money especially when it has millions on stake."

"Yes sir, bu—"

Salvatore cut him off, "what happens next is none of my concern. I want it on my desk by next week." His hand we reached out to the Bluetooth device in his ear and pulled it out as he Hung up on the call.

The day had barely begun but he was at the end of it already. He pressed on the intercom and Dante answered, "Consigliere Dante."

"Get in here." He ordered.

"On it," Dante replied immediately.

At times he was thankful for the support he got inside the family. But Salvatore knew that it could only be a matter of seconds where everything could be upside down.

He still had to keep an eye on everyone.

A knock came on the door and Alfonso stepped in, "Consigliere Dante,"

Salvatore nodded and within seconds his brother was sitting in front of him.

"What can I help you with brother?"

Salvatore's brows furrowed and just as he opened his mouth to talk, his phone pinged indicating that he had received a message from his family members. The DND on his phone only works for certain members.

He picked up the phone and peaked on the message only for his mother to say, 'finally sent your brother to college. Believe me when I say your father threatened him.'

He huffed. About time his father stepped into the whole situation. Marcelo was getting out of hand.

That's when it hit him.

"The donation to the university," Salvatore's attention moved back to Dante, "has been carried out?"

Dante shook his head. "They would prefer if you do it yourself. From a business point of view, that would actually look good in tomorrow's papers."

Salvatore smirked. "Let's go." It was going to be fun.

"Marsalo is very bright minded," Salvatore spoke to the professor of business environment, "you must give him situations where he can take himself to the next level. I would really like for my brother to evolve his thinking according to the dynamics in the business environment."

"Yes, sir I understand." The professor nodded with a happy smile on his face. "I shall look into different case studies for sir."

Dante chuckled. Even though Salvatore was a mafia don he would still find time to mess with his siblings, especially the youngest and the one that was closest to his mother's heart.

"Hey!" And before they knew it Marcelo had joined them. "I did not know you were coming here."

Salvatore wrapped his arm around his brother's shoulders. "I just have to make a few arrangements. I thought I'd stop by for you."

Marcello squinted his eyes at his smiling brother. Salvatore came to meet him in his University which was completely out of his way. "Why?"

Salvatore frowned slightly. "Why can't I come and meet my brother anytime I want? How long has it been since I met you anyway?"

"Last night," Marcello answered, "lunch with Bella mum and me and you."

"Ah, yes," he nodded, "a week too long brother. Anyway, how are your business classes going?"

"I did not have any today. The professor has some. . Things on his own end." Marcello told him and then remembered, "Are you coming to lunch this Sunday? Bella is bringing her family too."

" I will," Salvatore was waiting for a branch that did not have any tension. Those were the only moments we could live while not having stress about what was going to happen next all when the next attack on his life was going to be. "Come let me drop you home." He said as he started to walk to the car park.

Marcello clicked his tongue. "Naah, dad gave me his rolls and driver. Plus I have to go back with Evelyn."

Salvatore stopped. Evelyn?