Hugs and breakfast - III

"Who is it?" Evelyn asked before taking the phone. She did not even take it from him, rather just give it a glance. 

"The Don, Ma'am." 

That made her pickup the phone and excuse her presence from Giovanni and move out of the Bakery to have some privacy. 

"Don?" Evelyn softly spoke into the phone with great hesitation once she stepped out of the Bakery. 

"Evelyn," she heard his voice and it made her heart stop. She could not even tell if he was angry or not. "Care you tell me what your age is?' 

"I am going to be 20 in a month's time, Don." 

" Good that you are at least aware of that," he snapped, making her jump, "then go and have a look at your phone and tell me what you see." 

Her hand on Instinct patted her both pockets before she realised that she had left her phone inside. "Hold on," she whispered into the phone Before moving inside the Bakery and rubbing her phone and then moving outside again.