Bella Rosa and her questions- II

"Uh-huh," Bella said but Evelyn could see that she did not believe the answer given to her. "My question still stands to be answered if the young and immature girl is still there."

What's even a correct answer to that question? No matter how immature or mature Evelyn had been in her life it had all been a part of her and to tell someone that that part was no longer inside her would be a lie. 

But there was also some truth that Evelyn was no longer controlled by that part of her. She could rationalize as much as she wanted and did not care about the feelings and affections she had for someone. 

"I can tell you that that girl is still a part of me but she no longer controls anything." Evelyn answered with carefully chosen words. "If that is what you want to hear then here it is."

Bella nodded her head animatedly and Evelyn found herself slightly scowling at the action.