The threats - IV

It was an honour, a privilege no less than others to be able to call The Don by his name especially when you were not connected to the family in any way, especially blood. 

"I-I can?" Evelyn stammered in shock. 

She could take his name? That was not common for anyone who was placed under the protection of someone. If he wanted her to call him by his name then Evelyn knew why he was doing it. 

He gave her a firm not before going back to cutting the cold meat. 

Understanding that the conversation was effectively over Evelyn went back to cutting the cheese. 

Once Salvatore and she were done, it was then she noticed that Lucas had made spaghetti for them all. It would not be the cheese and the meat that were going to fill the children. The adults could enjoy it with the wine. The children were still dependent on solid food and they released the spaghetti made by their uncle.