A yes, it was. - II

The next morning was relatively lazier. Evelyn had woken up on time. It was around 30 minutes past 7 that she had actually bothered to go down and try to interact with people and the new guy that she had begun dating. 

To her surprise almost no one was there. She had expected the kids to be woken up by now or one of the adults but no one was there. The kitchen was empty except for The chef and the living room had no one inside. 

For the first time, Evelyn actually found herself to be too free inside the house to even think of something. 

That was when she thought of going exploring. This building was custom made for the pleasure of the don which meant that there was much more than what she was introduced to before.

Obviously Julian was not going to give her a house tour. As she now realised Julian had only given her a tour of what was necessary for her to know.