The Scary Don- III

Evelyn gasped in horror at the hand that now laid on the floor. Her eyes refused to believe it as she blinked them continuously trying to get the hand out of her sight.

How in the world was this possible? Was she really seeing a hand or was this a trick that her mind was playing?

Did, by any chance, her aunt slip something into her drink or food?

Evelyn gulped at the sight of the bleeding hand.

"Check the other pocket as well." The command was clear that Evelyn dreaded doing what Salvatore had commanded. Nevertheless she turned around with paralyzed legs and reached to the other side of the jacket he wore for dinner.

Evelyn felt her lips tremble and so did her fingers. Did she really have to do this? This was one of the scariest things that she had ever done.

Even her hand felt reluctant to check the pocket.