The dinner party - V

"Married?" She stuttered. 

Her ears had started to ring out the words that were just spoken to her. It seemed easier for her to ignore what he had said but Evelyn very well knew that he was not joking about them and that he had spoken those very well. 

With his stone cold expression it was obvious that Angelo knew very well but he had spoken and he was not backing away from it. His constant and continued stare on Evelyn made it obvious that he was waiting for an answer. 

"Marriage?" She repeated again. 

 "Yes." He confirmed. "I want you to be married to my son." 

"Why?" She blurted out. "Everything is just going fine. I don't think I need to be married to him when I am already with him in a relationship."

It is completely no sense for him to spring out something like this out of nowhere. Salvatore and Evelyn were already dating and they were in a relationship since she was officially with the don.