The tabloids - II

The next morning she sprang out of the bed and moved towards the living room where she knew would be the latest newspapers. They were always kept there and by the habits salvatore had, it was obvious that this house would have the newspapers there. 

Evelyn practically ran downstairs and found the newspapers lying on the coffee table. She grabbed the first one and unfolded it in a wild hurry. 

There it was. His predictions from last night were here. 

'Salvatore D'alessandro seen walking his secretary to the charity ball—'

'A new arm candy for the multi-millionaire?' 

Evelyn flipped the pages. 

'An emerald? Speaks volumes!'

'So, where's the wife? Mrs. Salavtore is said to be blonde.' 

There were too many to count. Her eyes roamed over each and everyone roughly just to know what they said. 

In the end, Evelyn just folded two papers roughly and put them back on the table before she moved to the stairs.