Too late - III




And any other possible synonym that could signify a hollow sinking feeling and her chest could be used. 

All she did was stare into his eyes. All she could do was stare into his eyes and she did this until she no longer knew what to do. 

The name of the man who stood in front of her sat on the tip of a tongue but Evelyn did not know how to say it. 

It was right there, right on the edge but the word refused to slip out of her mouth. 

Somehow it made her feel that if she would take the name and whisper it out it would turn out to be true. Maybe Salvatore was not really here. Maybe it was just an illusion of her mind that had been there out of fear.

Afterall fear, could make people do a lot of things. Hallucination was probably a part of that. 

Perhaps if she closed the door he would go away and maybe she could have a proper sleep.