On the brink of justice - III

"Wha-" the word got stuck in her mouth as Evelyn stared at the screen in horror and shock. "What the hell happened?" 

The screen goes blank. No camera showed what was on its record. 

She turned to look at Salvatore with wide eyes as if she could not believe what was happening. "Where did all of that go?!"

Salvatore did not appear as worried as she was. In fact he had his neutral expression on like nothing was bothering him. 

That pissed her off more than anything. 

If Evelyn was full of panic at this moment, then it was apparent that Salvatore was going to be the voice of reason. 

"The cameras were cut off, Evelyn." He answered, keeping his eyes on her. "All cameras except the one where you exited the house from because that one did not operate on the same battery." 

Evelyn looked back at the screen in front of her. All of them were dark. It was not like they had lost in action. It looked like they had been shut down.