A little girl - III

With smiles covered in chocolate and hair covered in flour, they stared at the cupcakes in the ove. Yes, cupcakes, that was what they had ended up making. 

"They look so yummy, mummy!" arabella neared the oven with her nose almost touching the heated glass had it not been her mother who pulled her away and had been doing so for countless times. 

Raising the little body of her daughter up to her eye level, Evelyn shook her a little emitting giggles out of her, "Did we not discuss about going near the oven?" 

"Did we?" arablla tapped her finger on her chin. "I don't think so." she scrunched up her nose and shook her curly head. 

And that ,ade arabella receive a visit from the tickle monster. 

Evelyn was aware of the eyes she felt on her. The chefs had left and so had Marco after sometime when they had figured what was where. Only Salvatore remained behind and she could feel his eyes on her back constantly.