A happy family- III

 It was bath time and bath time was the favourite time of her daughter. In fact it was the highlight of the day. 

"Ducky duck," Arabella smashed the two dogs together before talking to herself and mumbling out an entire play that was going on. 

Evelyn smiled at the sight of a child enjoying it. When she had been on the run, it had been difficult to pay bills and it was hardly ever that she could give Arabella a good bath time with a good amount of water. That was not a problem now. Once in a while, Bella could enjoy. 

Evelyn heard a distant ping of her phone. Leaving her child in the bathroom, she got up and pointed in to her nanny who immediately took her spot.

Iona, even though it hurt her to admit, was quite a good substitute in case she was not available for Arabella.