Friends and Frenemies - II

For the first time in his life, he felt something for someone other than his family.

He was nervous, the drumming of his fingers over the steering wheel was evidence of that I am not to mention, the constant swallowing that he did. 

It had been ten years, ten fucking yes since he had last stepped on the soil where he had spent more than 10 years of his life.

The ten years where he had been taught on how to be a don, a survivor, a criminal basically by his father and the teachers of this place. 

Parking his vehicle in the teachers parking, He got out of his car before locking it shut and read the name of the academy written at the side of the building. 

Saint Xavier's Academy for The gifted. 

Guessed it was just a fucking excuse. They made or broke people in this place. This place was meant for people like him, who came with rich fathers and a gifted bank account, power and sources.