Pray and what? - II

Her nerves were all over the place but Evelyn did not let that deter her. She followed behind the woman only to come to the same corridor where she had met Matt in his office for the first time.

Were they meeting someone in his office?

But they went past his office and The conclusion meant nothing now.

They went past another door, but the woman came to stop right in front of that, making Evelyn narrowly stop before bumping into her back. 

She knocked three times with equal distance in between them. When they heard a small 'come in', the woman opened the door and gestured Evelyn inside. 

Her hands suddenly felt more sweaty than usual. Should she go inside?

What was inside? In fact, The question was who was inside? Who was Matt meeting? 

Maybe Evelyn was taking too long, because the woman pushed her inside making her stumble into the room.