The rescue- III

It was surprising as hell how killing has become so easy to him, especially when he had a motive in mind. 

Until now, for tonight, he had not killed many but the way he wanted to kill people did count. 

A major mistake that Mateo had made was to ask every man to cover their faces in accordance with the attending the party. 

As much as it had allowed discretion to him, proper checks could not be made and his friends had slipped in easily after killing a few people to replace them. 

That had been very easy. Killing them was something Salvatore did with pleasure. 

With a frozen heart, he watched the entire auction. The girls, barely into adulthood, were being sold to men almost thrice their age.

How the fuck for people okay with this? He asked himself, hidden in shadows watching with his friends. Thinking of how to kill him.