Chapter 1

"I told you stop flirting with him!"

I flinched and I only stayed silent while looking at my shoes like they were the most interesting thing in the world.

He's not letting me explain again.

I... love him but at the same time I hate him how he was being aggressive to things that I do, obsessed and possessive to me.

He's not treating me like an animal in the cage though because there are more times that he makes me feel loved. However when it comes to times like this, I don't know what to feel.

and I love him too much that sums everything up.

"But Sehun's our friend and there's nothing wrong about it because he and Luhan-"

I gasped when a hard slap came on my cheek. He pulled me closer by my elbow and his eyes were full of rage and I was so nervous that I think I might faint after a minute now.

"He's still a guy Baekhyun! I told you never show any skinship between the two of you because the fans would always make a fuss about you!" He said sternly and his grip on my elbow tightened and I cried in pain as tears trickled down on my abused cheek, his eyes widened.

"I-I'm sorry Chanyeol-ah... I, I forgot not to touch anyone except you. I'm sorry..." I sobbed and I was startled when he hugged me damping his outfit as he let go of my elbow to caged me against his tall figure.

He's still sweaty from the performance earlier but he managed to smell good.

"If I told you not to make contact with anyone except when needed then obey. You know I hate seeing you hanging around with other guys and our friends are no exception." I nodded and cried more as I felt his hand petting my head while his other hand was patting my back in a slow rhythmn.

"You'll go home with me. We'll talk about it later." I tensed and I sighed silently.

I shifted and the dressing room's door opened revealing Junmyeon hyung. Chanyeol quickly turned his back to him but in my surprised he didn't break away.

"Is there something wrong Chanyeol, Baekhyun?" I heard footsteps closing in and Chanyeol's hug was getting tighter.

I heard him cleared his throat and I looked up at him yet he avoided me.

"Baekhyun is not feeling good. I'll take him home. You can go ahead hyung..." Chanyeol's deep voice sent shivers on my body that made me enjoy his warmth despite of what happened.

I heard hyung hummed and sighed.

"Okay but are you going to sleep in our dorm or you're going to your parent's house?"

I gulped nervously and I honestly don't want to know because wherever house we go tonight, I know he will scold me or worst punish me.

"To my parent's house. I think my mother has something for Baekhyun." Resting my hands on his waist, I tried to peek at Junmyeon-hyung but Chanyeol buried my face on his chest.

"I see. That's great. Just don't forget that we have one promotion left for KoKoBop tomorrow. Bye Chanyeol and be well Baekhyun-ah..." As the door closed I thought Chanyeol would let me go but instead he lifted my head up and caught my lips.

It was slow but felt good while he slowly placed his hands on my shoulders and he started moving his tongue in and out of my lips that my body heated up. I was about to respond when he pulled away and stared blankly at me.

"Let's go. We have the whole night to spend together." I nodded and he turned around to gather my things.

He motioned me to go out first and I did. Soon after I looked back and he was already behind me. We were walking towards the elevator and some staffs were greeting us. I smiled at them as a reply. Unfortunately, the elevator was empty when it opened and I was about to smile to the other staffs too when Chanyeol pushed me inside as he followed. He pressed groundfloor and then came a moment of silence.

We stood beside each other and my mind was everywhere. I was nervous and lightheaded because of too much thoughts coning in. I bit my lip and I felt his hand silently intertwining with mine. I blushed and I glanced at him while we held hands.

He have this small smile at the corner of his lips.

I sighed and the elevator ride seems so slow.

My relationship with Chanyeol is undescribable. He was giving me signs that he liked me way back before we debuted. He was always taking care of me. He was always helping me practice with him playing an instrument while I sing. It was around 2015 when I said yes when he asked to be my boyfriend. We both agreed to keep it secret and if someone would ever know about us then be it.

However, for the meantime we'll do what we do.

Love each other.

There's nothing not to love about Chanyeol because he was everything and also he's very a boyfrient material. He would take me to places, sing music together, takes care of me and makes me happy except there were times that he was being different. I didn't know how to react to it but I hate it and at the same time...

I like it.

Because it is what completes him that makes me love him. Don't judge, don't be disappointed because nobody's perfect and I believe that is his way of expressing his love and protection over me.

Good thing the parking lot was empty or else we couldn't have reached Chanyeol's expensive jeep. I told him that the scooter for the both of us is okay because this was very expensive to buy but he reasoned that having it would give us another private place that I suspiciously doubted knowing how his mind works. He opened my door and he gave me my bag.

I blinked when he stood beside the door staring at me.

"You know I'm mad at you, right?"

I played with the hem of my jacket and nodded.

"Tell your parents that you'll stay with me tonight. Afterall, it's been a week since we went to my parent's house. Mum missed you."

I smiled and remembering how I his mother smiles everytime I joke around with her made me happy in instant.


Chanyeol nodded and I fished my phone out and texted my mother that I'll go home tomorrow instead because I'll stay at Chanyeol's house.

Our parents knew about us because Chanyeol insisted to introduced ourselves to our parents especially to her mother since her mother doesn't like him keeping secrets. The only problem is my father...

He was expecting a child from me. My own blood.

But Chanyeol was trying his best to get close to him which mad me adore his courage.

"I love you." It's his usual out-of-the blue I love you nevertheless I love it.

"I love you too..." His large hands pulled my face and he placed a quick kiss on my lips before he went to the driver's seat.


"Park Chanyeol! Park Chanyeol! Park Chanyeol!"

"I love you Park Chanyeol!"

The last shout I heard hit a nerve in my head and I held on the hem of my jacket. This is one of the things I hate as an artist who happens to be his boyfriend.

I would be hearing things that I should only be saying to Chanyeol.

"Don't mind them." Chanyeol said while his eyes were focused on the road. We just got out of the parking lot and outside of the building has a lot of fans that were waiting for us to wave goodbyes. When I looked each one of them I saw a banner of ChanBaek and it made my heart skipped.

Without hesitation, I rolled down the window and waved at the two girls who was shocked to see me waving at them and raised the banner higher.

"Omo! We love you Baekhyun! Chanyeol!"

"I love you-"

The window quickly closed and I whipped my head to Chanyeol who sped up on the road.

"Sorry... I saw our ship name and-"

"It doesn't matter."

I sighed and slumped on my seat comfortably. I know he's mad because before we performed earlier, Sehun and I talked and we ended up nudging each other. But what I wanted to know if he's also mad about waving to our fans a minute ago.

The drive to his parent's house wasn't that long. After he parked the jeep in front of their classy, modernized house he opened my door and held my hand guiding me inside their house.

"We're home." Chanyeol called out while we're changing our shoes to slippers. The lights are on but no one was around.

"Do you think they're sleeping?" I asked and he held my hand pulling me in the kitchen.

"Maybe. Mum sleeps early so as Dad. My sister is obviously on live in TV. Atleast they left us a dinner. Baby do you want to eat?" I blushed and just nodded when he was waiting for my reply.

He was putting plates and utensils when I stopped him. I carefully pulled his jacket off and he stood straight. His eyes were staring down at me while I was doing it.

"I'll put these things first in your bedroom Chanyeol-ah. Wait for me." He didn't move and that's when I ran upstairs directly to his room.

Opening his room, I was quickly fascinated by how it looked so clean and organized. Also his scent was all over the place that filled my nose making me want to stay here forever.

I removed my jacket to placed them on the rack. I went to his bedroom couch and threw my bag on it. I was planning to go out after but it's not impossible not to notice our picture that was hanging on the wall beside his window. I was biting my nails trying to suppressed the feelings that were flowing inside me. My heart was beating too loud and I feel so fluttered by it. I went close to it but my eyes witnessed something bigger than this.

Our pre debut photo together.

I smiled but I remembered he was waiting for me downstairs, I turned around but I ended up bumping onto something hard and I nearly fell but not before he caught me by the waist.

"You made me wait."

"N-Not that I wanted to but I saw our pictures and I kinda reminisced, that's all." I explained yet he didn't speak. I was trying to stand up but he threw me on his shoulder like a sandbag.

"Chanyeol! What are you doing?!" I panicked.

"You flirted with Sehun and you just launched a new gossip about us by showing your face out of my car. So Baekhyun what are YOU doing?" I screeched when he slammed me on the bed. He sat beside me and my heart was racing fast because I remembered how he was mad from the events earlier.

It's not like I did something wrong.

I groaned mentally. Obviously, all of it was wrong for him.

"I have been apologizing since earlier and what's the matter if they made another gossip about us?! Are you ashamed of me?" I bursted out. I had enough of saying sorry. I sat up and we have our eyes glued together and as seconds passed by, I regret raising my voice at him.

"Chanyeol... I'm trying to explain that I-"

"Come here." Chanyeol patted his lap and my eyes widened in realization. I know what he meant by that place.

"I said come here and if you make me repeat it again I'll do it worst than you think."

I stayed on my position as I slowly hugged my knees to my chest. Yes it would be good but it is also painful and I don't want to remember how embarrassing the last time he did to me.

He rolled his eyes and reached for my arm. I tried prying him off but he pulled me harder ending up placing me on his lap, chest against his strong thighs.

I gulped nervously.

"Chanyeol... I don't like this." I pleaded and gripped on the bedsheet.

"Well you've been a bad boy lately and I know you silently like being spank. You're only denying it." I didn't reply as he pulled my jeans and my underwear in one go. I gaped and covered my mouth as he started carressing my exposed buttcheeks that felt incredibly embarrassing yet good.

"This is for having skinship with Sehun." I was counting 1 2 3 but after 1 second Chanyeol spanked me already that gave a painful sensation to my ass. I unexpectedly moaned but I quickly clamped my mouth.

Then another one came until it became a series that I couldn't count how many spanks I received. I kept on wiping my tears until the bedsheet was already damped by my tears and some of my saliva also.

Another spank came but harder. Chanyeol's hands are big and with how hard he was spanking me I'm sure that my ass was close to bleeding.

"Look at that Baek. Your damn tasty ass is so red yet you sounded like you wanted more."

He spanked me again and I jolted after feeling my member dripping against Chanyeol's thigh.

I was getting close.

It was the second time Chanyeol did this to me. The first time was when I tried pranking him that I would break up with him and instead of laughing at the end, I ended up cumming on my bed in the dorm after he spanked my ass sore.

"I told you that you like it. You will never come from spanking if you never like it baby. Can you come for daddy?" Chanyeol's voice ignited another fire in my body as I found myself shivering after hearing how deep his voice is.

I unconsciouly nodded and heard a chuckle.

"You're so sexy Byun Baekhyun." He spanked me and it made me roll my eyes to the back of my head.

"You have so many fans fantasizing your dick so as your ass but I'm the luckiest of them all." He whispered and when I thought he stopped, he spanked me one last time that sent my climax that dirtied his squeaky-cleaned floor. The sound of my cum dropping on the floor was satisfying as I sighed a relief.

He placed me back on the bed. I couldn't help but to wince everytime my ass was getting pressed on the bed so I lied flat on my stomach while looking tiredly at Chanyeol.

"I don't think I can sit tomorrow." I said. He took something out from his bedside drawer and sat beside me.

A second later, he was putting something cold on my ass that made me feel relieved from the soreness of my ass. I think it was an ointment.

"I don't want you touching other guys you know that. Please I hate it so much." He placed the ointment back on the drawer and lied beside me.

"I know... I'm sorry I forgot how possessive you are." I chuckled and he only frowned. He pulled the blanket to cover my exposed region as he started combing my hair in a very comfortable manner.

"Sleep. We'll just going to eat our breakfast early tomorrow.


Chanyeol hummed.

"I love you so much."

"Stating the obvious huh?"

I pouted and I closed my eyes because exhaustion was taking over my body.

"I love you too baby. Now sleep."