Chapter 4

Chanyeol and I walked down stairs after an hour of prying myself from Chanyeol's hold. He insisted to stay on my bed the whole morning. Good thing my mother knocked on my door telling us that breakfast was ready. The embarrassing moment that happened earlier was when Chanyeol shouted back at my mother telling her that he was putting my clothes on.

I don't know if I'm hearing things or not but I heard my mother squealed.

We arrived in the kitchen and my father was sitting in the middle while my mother placed a bowl of rice in the middle as she sat on the side of my father. Chanyeol guided me with his hand on my lower back and we sat beside each other.

"Does the two of you have any plans for today?"

Surprisingly, it was my father who broke the silence in the dining table.

Chanyeol and I glanced at each other.

"We will spend the morning here in your house sir and before 12 noon I need to record with someone at the studio. After that, Baekhyun and I will date outside." I was staring at my mum who was eating while silently observing the two males conversing at each other. Father nodded and Chanyeol continued to eat.

I mentally sighed and stared at my plate. Another awkward breakfast...


Chanyeol went out of my bathroom while I was sitting on my bed listening to his soundcloud channel. I was secretly listening to his songs every time I wanted to hear him singing. I don't know if it's too much to ask if I wanted him to sing in front of me but I'm too shy to tell him about it so I always ended up on his channel. He sat beside me wearing his adidas jacket and the pants he left the last time he went here.

"You're listening to my songs? Why are you listening to a sad song? Are you sad?" My eyes widened after realizing I forgot to close my laptop. His eyes looked worried and arms suddenly embraced me behind as he clasped my hand with his free one.

"No, I'm not sad... I just feel like listening to your song."

"Want me to sing one?"

My heart pumped wildly inside my chest and my face flushed. He's asking me if I want him to... I feel so special.

I nodded eagerly and he smiled.

Deep, husky voice emitted from his cherry lips. He sang his song 'Hug me" and he was finished after the chorus. Chanyeol is very dedicated and passionate in music and that gave us one common interest from each other. However what I only hate about it is how dense he is when it comes to the people he works with. They liked him and it was hard to not notice it because I'm his boyfriend. A very natural instinct.

"Thanks... I was planning to ask you to do it sometime but it seems like you know everything that comes in my mind."

He bumped our foreheads and soon captured my lips as his tongue poking to enter my lips then I closed my eyes savouring the moment. I also moved enjoying his plumpy lips that were busy tasting every corner of my mouth. He started trailing small kisses down from my neck to my collarbone. I was having short gasps and my body was like burning from the sensation he was unconsciously giving to me. My body was on fire from the tip of my toe to my heated face. He sucked on my skin like a delicious snack, I whimpered and squirmed in his hold. I took a fistful of his hair when he sucked my skin harder that will sure leave a purple mark later.

He held my face and I opened my eyes to see how he looked flustered and satisfied from the mark he left on my collarbone. His lips swollen and his eyes a bit dilated.

"I need to go Baekhyun-ah or I might ditch Kyungsoo to rub myself inside of you."

"O-Okay... Let's just meet at the mall?" His eyebrows furrowed as he puckered his lips. He always do it whenever he wanted a kiss so I pecked his lips and he smiled after.

"No. I'm going to fetch you here."

I nodded slowly. I forgot he has a very expensive car. He stood up from my bed but not before he groped my crotch winking at me. I twitched and was not able to complain as he exited the door.

What a pervert.

I sighed and let myself fall on my bed. How boring. I still need to wait for hours before we have our date. My eyes widened when I remembered to tell Sehun I'm not going to watch them since... Chanyeol doesn't want me to go.

Wait, I couldn't say that.

"Baekhyun-ah? Where are you? We're about to start..." Sehun said quickly after I dialled his number.

"About that... I'm here in my parent's house and I think I need to spend time with them so..."

"It's Chanyeol right?"


"I mean if that's the case, then see you tomorrow Baek."

I wasn't able to say goodbye because he ended it quickly.

I groaned and turned to my side. He sounded frustrated and disappointed.

Maybe he got mad that I ditched him... Not that I wanted to but Chanyeol said so and I don't want him to get mad anymore knowing how he gets berserk in situations like that.

My eyes felt heavy and I wanted to sleep however a knock from the door disturb me and I opened it to see my father was standing in front of me.

"Can we talk for a minute?" He asked, not surprised because we usually have this one on one talk. I guide him inside and we both sat on the edge of the bed.

"How's your work lately? I heard you had a recent comeback with your group."

I forced a smile and I laughed a bit.

"A little tiring but whenever I see our fans watching us and knowing we have our international fans that support us through social media, I think I can say that it is successful Dad." He hummed and nodded. I was getting nervous by how serious he was observing my room. My eyes widened at the sight of my cum-stained shirt that was on the floor beside my bathroom door. I forgot to put it on the basket.

"What did you even find about that boy that made him as your boyfriend? From all I know you had a girl crush way back when you're in high school right?" He said. I scratched the back of my head and sighed.

"That girl turned me down Dad... My voice trailed off and we fell in silence.

"Chanyeol is a music lover Dad. He is a very passionate and dedicated person when it comes to the things he like and, that's what I saw when he said that he like me and wanted to court me before anything. We both have the same interest in things yet we have different personality. If you only know him well Dad, you will see the kind of heart he has shown to me that made me fell in love with him" I said and I stared at him directly as he remained his expressionless face.

"Please Dad... Give him the chance to know each other."

"Aren't you worried of not having a son?"

That made me shut up and my eyebrows creased at the thought. I know how much he wanted to have his own grandson from me but with the sudden turn of events, he was mad about not getting one from me.

"Well... As if I could do anything about that. Just don't let me caught that man hurting you or anything." I gulped and I broke into a wide smile after I saw the corner of his lips curving upwards.

"Thank you Dad!" I quickly enveloped him in a hug. I savoured the moment because the last time that we hugged like this was too long ago. The busy schedule and our occupations were the reason.

His hand patted my back and soon my mother opened my mother and ogled at us. She announced that the lunch was ready so we both stood up and went outside my room.

"Tell him to play golf with me some other time."


I spent the whole afternoon watching a movie called 'Tomorrowland'. Half through the movie, my eyes felt heavy and soon I found myself fell asleep. I even dreamt about Chanyeol serenading me just like how he did when the two of us left in the dorm years ago. Although, in the dream my vision was shaking and it's like the whole dream was moving in waves as it vanished and everything was all plain black.

"Take care Chanyeol... Tell Baekhyun not forget to call me."

My mother's voice was audible in the background.

"I will Mrs Byun." I heard her giggled and some sound was produced.

"You can just call me Mum."

I felt myself was being moved and soon I opened my eyes adjusting from the sunlight against my vision. Sunlight? I fluttered my eyes and Chanyeol's face with his sharp jaw welcomed me.

"Chanyeol? Wait- are you carrying me?" I asked and I laced my arms around his neck.

"You're awake. We're on our way to our date."

My eyebrows furrowed and I roamed my eyes around me and I realized we are outside the house heading to where his jeep was. He was carrying me like a bride and I blushed.

"You don't need to carry me anymore Chanyeol-ah." I whispered and he looked down at me.

"Stop babbling or do you want some gag on?" I pouted as we arrived beside his jeep. He clicked the keys and he tried opening the shotgun as he succeeded, he placed me down and wide smile was visible on his lips.

"You should've waked me up earlier. You're already tired from recording earlier and you only exhaust yourself more by carrying me all the way down here."

His hand reached for my cheek before he pinched it slightly. I pouted after.

"I will never get tired of you. When it comes to you, I shouldn't be."

He left me speechless and went to driver's seat. I don't know if I should be worried or excited by the fact that we're going to be seen in public. But we're both guys, people would less speculate about us except the ChanBaek shippers.

We were driving in silence when I heard my phone rang. I looked at Chanyeol and he only kept his stare at the road.

"Did you bring my phone with you?" He nodded and he fished my phone out from his phone without looking as I quickly answered the call without looking who it is.


"Baekhyun, I wish you were here earlier. You could have motivated me to dance well."

Chanyeol's free hand snatched the phone from my ear and ended the call. I looked at him in panicked yet he only ignored me by setting his eyes on the road.


"I heard it all even if not by speaker. He was basically flirting with you, getting you by sympathy and guilt. What a dumb way to steal Park Chanyeol's boyfriend." He clicked his tongue and we stopped, we arrived in the parking lot.

"I told him earlier that I won't come to his dance practice. Maybe that's the reason why he said that." I said and I was so nervous I just noticed my shirt was crumpled after fisting it too hard.

"I don't fucking care! I'll delete his number and block him from your phone. I don't want him sniffing around you." I flinched on my seat and he did what he said. I thought he's going to calm after but I gasped when he took me by the jaw making me tear up as I looked at him. It was a bit painful but it's not like I can complain something about it.

I accepted him like this so I need to put up with him.

"Just be friendly to anyone in our group but not to Sehun. I know how that bulgey boy flirts around cuties like you so be aware of him."

He withdrew his hand and we both leaned our backs on silence. After a few seconds, he took my hand and gripped it tight.

"Please understand me Baek. I'm too scared that you might like someone else besides me."

Tears fell from my cheeks and I cried so much damping my own jacket. I cried harder when he pulled me against his chest as I cried myself to sleep.