Chapter 10

"Please don't cause any commotion when you see him. Are still mad?" I asked him this so many times just to assured myself that everything's going to be okay. But with Chanyeol's unpredictable mood, I couldn't be at ease.

"I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at Sehun for trying to jump on my property." We went outside our room heading to the living room because Junmyeon said that he would announce our schedules for the rest of ber months.

However, I already know mine. Maybe the whole group's schedule. I flinched when Chanyeol slung an arm around around me and pulled me closer to his body. I blushed and I couldn't help myself not to smile. He was being territorial with me again. Chanyeol was like that whenever he felt the need to. I actually find it cute but sometimes, it goes overboard to the point that he nearly announced that we're together. It's a very dangerous trait of Chanyeol but It's hard for me to complain about it when I actually like it. Before others see my flattered smile and accused us of something I quickly fixed my composure.

"We're here..." I croaked and mentally slapped myself when my voice cracked. Chanyeol remained silent and I saw the other members beamed a smile at me except Sehun who was busy with his phone.

"Chanyeol I thought you're staying in Japan until today. What happened?" Minseok-hyung asked and the other members nodded too, confused why he was sitting with me.

"I finished it quick because I remembered I have something here that I shouldn't leave unanttended." Chanyeol threw a smirked at Sehun who only rolled his eyes. Good thing they didn't notice them or else it would be another mess.

"Well, I thought Baekhyun is not going to wake up just like a princess." Jongdae snickered. Chanyeol chuckled and threw a couch pillow at him. Minseok-hyung nudged Jongdae but he still continued laughing at me. I only pouted and copied Chanyeol's act.

"Stupid Camel-"

"Okay okay stop that because I still have some things to do outside." Junmyeon was trying to supressed his laughter until we all stop as Jongin was being dragged by Kyungsoo and they're bickering.

"I told you to wake up early you- You'll be late in your shooting!" Kyungsoo harshly fell on the couch as Jongin looked like a kid who just got scolded by his mom.

"Junmyeon-hyung, tell us the schedule quick because I will be late for my shooting and sadly I am getting scolded by someone who also woke up late WHO promised to wake me up early."

Kyungsoo was about to retort at Jongin yet Junmyeon intervene.

I loved all our relationship together. We're like brothers that I wished to have. Obviously except for Chanyeol who was burying his face on my neck that was sniffing me, tickling me as I tried to clamp my mouth shut.

"The whole month of September is free for our group. Well every one of us know our individual schedules for the whole month-"

"Then why are we here~" Jongdae cut Junmyeon off. Good thing Minseok-hyung covered his mouth in instant and Junmyeon-hyung sighed.

"Manager-nim said we will be attending a several awarding ceremonies for the end of the year. He said there might be a few invites this month but it's all tentative. Hey I thought the three of you has a recording sched for this afternoon." Jumnmyeon pointed at Jongdae, Minseok and at me. I swallowed and I tried looking at Chanyeol for some help but he was still busy with my neck.

"I'm not feeling well hyung when Manager-nim exactly called earlier I told him that I couldn't really go outside today that's why it's moved on Friday." I reasoned out. The two nodded so as Junmyeon looked at me with worried eyes.

"Lately, I've been hearing from manager-nim that you're not feeling well. Please take care of yourself Baekhyun-ah." Junmyeon-hyung said as he patted my shoulder as he stood up.

"I'll take care of him hyung. Don't worry." Chanyeol flashed him a smile and he looked convinced and turned his attention to Sehun.

"Sehun, you have a meeting with manager-nim right?" Sehun only nodded at Jong-in's question as he stood up.

"I'll go now."


How Chanyeol laughed with Jongdae and Kyungsoo earlier was so enthusiastic. I loved seeing him laughing, eye smiling because of happiness from little jokes they made out of Jongin trying to act his role as a grim reaper. Well, the bright mood in the living room slowly levelled down when they went out to their own agendas leaving Chanyeol and I in our own after I closed the door trailing behind Junmyeon out as the last one to leave. Now that they're gone, I turned around only to see Chanyeol eyeing me like I was a small prey with his withering gaze. I shyly approached him and stood awkwardly like it was our first time meting each other and first time to be left alone in our dorm. He looked a bit cheerful sitting on the couch with his lips tugging upwards forming a sexy smirk that sent thousand bolts in my body.

"What are you looking at?" We chorused together. A smile was creeping its way on my lips while he crossed his arms still not removing his checking eyes on me.

"You're looking at me like you're planning something dangerous." I sang and he only scoffed.

"I AM dangerous." I gasped as he quickly sat up to catch me but I knew better and ran for my life. Days like these when our schedules were clear, he was always on set to catch me and tickle me to death which I found dangerous and deadly for myself because I couldn't handle hard tickling. We are talking about Park Chanyeol not the Chanyeol as an idol but Park Chanyeol as my boyfriend, he knows where and how to tickle me to death! I was huffing when I arrived to our room.

"Don't you let me catch you if you still want to walk tomorrow-" I quickly locked the door and leaned against it. Little laughs emitting from my lips as I kept my ears active. What does he mean by if I still want to walk? Of course I want to walk who doesn't?

"Whatever you mean by that, I'm not going to let you!" I exclaimed. I heard his heavy breathing against the door. He's obviously standing outside our room, might be waiting for me to open up.

The background fell silence and I was itching to open the door because we looked stupid playing tag or whatever.

"Baekhyun? You like to eat pancakes in the morning don't you?"

"I'm not opening this door."

"With strawberry syrup on top of piled pancakes. It sure sounds delicious you don't really want some?" I snorted at his offer. At the second thought, the offer might be true and he only wants me to open the door and help him just like the last time we cooked pancakes together that I found him very attractive with an apron. I giggled at the memory but I frowned.

"How can I know if you're telling the truth and not tricking me to open the door?" I stood up and leaned my ear against the door waiting for his answer.

"I love you. Is that enough?" I smiled and I was about to twist the knob when I heard him snickered.

"You sounded like a fraud..." I whined and carefully pulled my hand back. I tensed when he scoffed.

"Fraud huh? If you think you can lock yourself inside for 24 hours until I give up then think again." After he said that, moving steps outside the room were audible and I was stunned. Should I wait to see what he can do before I secure myself from him or find something useful to stop him from getting myself cornered?

Heavy steps came and the sound of keys dangling, the knob slightly moving made me panicked. How could I forget about keys!? I warily moved away from the door as my eyes were glued to the knob if it was going to open and unsurprisingly it opened.

"Boo." He was already trying to reach me but not until I ran to the bed and covered myself with our thick comforters as if I could really secured myself by these thick garments. Eyes wide as I was warily breathing against the bed sheets that smelt like Chanyeol's musky perfume that I loved.

"I surrender! I loss- Chanyeol..." I purred his name but I was started when I felt limbs cornered me, and a figure hovering me.

"When I told you I was dangerous then you should've surrendered earlier. But no, you tired ourselves before you did."

"But I did surrender! You can get off me and let's just cook pancakes-"

He removed all the comforters I was using to cover myself and a Chanyeol with a wide grin plastered on his face appeared. I swear my heart jumped in instant seeing him excited in front of me. My heart was a second away to jump out of my chest when he leaned in to my ear as the bed creaked, the mattress pushed down with his weight and his breath tickling my ear.

"I only wanted to cuddle." I blinked and smiled after feeling his arms slowly snaked around my waist and he lied beside me without breaking off. Our feet dangling together as he let my head rest in the crook of his neck. I sighed. The way he was holding me made me feel secured as if anti-fans couldn't get to my head anymore, as if anxiety from reading hate comments will not get into me and it was like we could live just like this; only the two of us together.

"You should've said so." I whispered.

"You ran away though." I felt his slight frown of his lips on my forehead.

"Because you looked like you would eat me whole..." I retorted with a chuckle trailing off and he laughed a bit sounded like I heard an angel laughing against me.

"Can I?"

I only shut my eyes with a smile and wrapped my arms around his toned body. Not that I wasn't but his body built was harder and his upper body was longer unlike mine, my abs were getting a little out of hand with baby fats and of course I was smaller than him.

"How can you cook pancakes for me if we're going to cuddle like this the whole day?" I pressed myself more against him as he started making circles on my back slowly relaxing me.

"This is more fun."

"But I'm hungry." I muttered and I heard him sighed in defeat.

"Fine but you promise to help me."

I rolled my eyes before lifting my head to peek at him. But he was already eyeing me with his doe eyes.

"If you want, we can seal it off with a kiss?" I offered and without hesitations, he tipped my chin up and pulled me for a short kiss. It was very tempting to deepen it but as we planned, he would cook pancakes after a minute.

"We're so fluffy, you looked like you don't need a pancake."


"Should I crack these eggs first or prepare the flour in a bowl?"

"You can crack my eggs if you want." I only glared at him as he snickered. He was being cocky but I always find it funny and ended up following my instinct. Pouring flour first before eggs.

After I did those, Chanyeol did the rest and let me sit on the counter with his phone in my hands. His tall, long and toned figure was very appealing to my eyes and found myself admiring him for I didn't know how long until a notification lit his phone up, dragging my attention to it.

Something about it was making my body tense in nervousness. It doesn't feel good.

"Chanyeol what's your password?" I frowned staring at what might Chanyeol's password be. He doesn't like to put password in his phone before but what now?


I blushed. I glanced back at him and I saw him smiling wide while mixing the ingredients in the bowl. I rolled my eyes and went to his messages. My eyebrows furrowed and I was stunned for a second. It was a media? It means it could be a photo or a video. I hesitated. I have this unsure feeling in my gut that tells me it was something I wouldn't appreciate. Curiosity kills the cat, I tapped to open the message and my eyes widened. I was shocked and horrified from what I saw that the phone fell on my empty plate making a twinkling sound. I was left staring at the phone until I felt myself shaking, breathing became hard for me as my eyes started to sting with hot tears.

"Is there a problem Baek?" I ignored his deep worried voice and continued to stare at the photo that was taken at the fan meeting day. It was when Chanyeol pulled me in the backstage and lied me flat on his lap and we did something. The photo looked it like was taken from a window and a little blurry but our faces were still recognizable.

Was Chanyeol the only one who received the photo?

What if it was sent to many people or it was shared on the internet already?

What will people say to us?

What will my parents think of me if they see the picture?

"Fuck- Who the fuck sent this?!" I broke into tears. Heavy anxiety was getting into my head and I didn't know what to think anymore. I felt low and degraded.

"Chanyeol- I can't" I was hyperventilating and held on the counter for support. One of the things people doesn't know about me is that I have an anxiety about what they think of me. My counsellor told me not to be alone when there are things like this or my anxiety may occur and things might get worse and it did.

I choked with my own tears and I could only whimper as Chanyeol quickly pulled me into a hug. He was shushing me but I didn't stop even after he carried me and placed us together in the couch. I only balled myself together but he pulled me on his lap and started whispering soothing words. I figured his words were helpful when my sobs lowered down. His body heat radiating on my own skin was making me calm and I only held on his shirt. His lips were moving on my neck upwards my ears while he was whispering. It was usually tickling but now it felt soothing.

"Everything's going to be fine. We'll find out who was the person behind this."

"so stop crying baby..."

Hearing how worried he was I felt a little bit of weight in my chest was lifted. Even with his worried, calm and deep voice, I could hear how angry he was.

At least I got someone that would help me in times like this. Someone I loved. Someone like Park Chanyeol. That's when I know we'll get through this quick and done.