Chapter 12


The rustling sounds in our shared room tingle my ears awake. I groaned at the white light from the ceiling and my eyes darted to the wall clock before studying what the big figure was doing on the floor.

"What are you doing with those l uggages?" My supreme traveling bag and luggage was sprawled open on the floor so as his' and there were too many things for my eyes to process in this kind of time. Good thing the recording was finished earlier than expected hours ago or else I still might be worrying on how I execute.

"Go back to sleep Baek..." Chanyeol uttered without looking at me. He looked busy folding those clothes and such our necessities...

My eyebrow scrunched and I sat up to look from his back.

"You're packing stuff. What for?" I suddenly got worried. What was he planning to do? Is he thinking of leaving us? My lips opened apart and stared at Chanyeol unbelievably.

"Baekhyun...? I told you to go back to sleep." His deep voice contrasted with his chuckle he made. He was trying to pry my hands off him but I tightened my hug.

"I'm not letting you go. No matter what reason you're planning to say. Three guys left the group were still heartbreaking and beyond unforgettable... Please Yell, don't..." I felt a droplet of my tear fell on his shoulders but my sentimental situation was broken by his small laughs as he swayed the two of us in a slow manner.

"Stop getting paranoid Byun Baekhyun." His hand squeezed mine softly, I loosened up. He signalled me to sit on his lap and I obliged while pouting trying to avoid his teasing stare.

I was just thinking ahead before anything happens like that. What if he actually wants to leave? It would saddened everyone especially me.

"I'm not leaving if that's what you're thinking about." He said. Chanyeol's large hands were rolling softly on my shoulders letting my mouth a low moan.

I tried not to be distracted and took his hands off my shoulders, held them on my lap instead.

"Then what's with these stuff? It doesn't look like it." I clapped and he only buried his face on my hair before tracing my ears with his teasing lips and reached my neck giving me shiver.

"Dont you trust me Baekhyun-ah?"

I was contemplating and everything turns to me. I instantly felt guilty about that fact.

"I do..." I answered and he kissed my cheeks before turning my chin to see his face.

"If you really do then be my good boy and go back to sleep. Before you know it, you'll get you're reward in return."

We locked stares and the corner of my lips automatically curved upwards after he did with his angelic eyes and charm. Maybe he's right. I was just overreacting these kind of things.

He's been telling me this whole 'reward' thingy. What is he talking about? I pushed all of those thoughts and crawled back inside our blankets. Instantly, my nostrils were filled with Chanyeol's strong scent. His masculinity and manly figure overall contrasting that cute face of his was in his scent all over the sheets. Before I knew it, I fell back asleep fuzzied about Chanyeol.


"Manager-hung, thank you for coming all this way. You can leave us here coz we will be boarding soon."

I was trying to feel the mattress I slept in however as I flutter my eyes open, I found myself clinging on Chanyeol's neck with his hand on my thighs carrying me on his back. We were moving, he walking towards the waiting bench. I glanced on my side and saw our manager pulling our l uggages and carrying my bag in his other hand.

"No big deal Chanyeol. But don't forget to call when something happens and also, don't be gone for too long, it will be hard for me to make excuses to public and your fans."

I don't know what's happening.

"Chanyeol? Where am I?"

"Dont worry hyung I will and we won't." He replied to manager-hyung ignoring my question.

"Then I'll go now. I have more work to do, have a good vacation you two!" He was waving to us as he went to the exit leaving the two of us. Chanyeol signalled me to sit on the bench and did the same beside me before pulling our bags together.

I stared at him and nearly bit my tongue when he finally looked at me with a tired expression.

"Dont bother asking. You'll find out soon."

He read my thoughts very well. I was about to open my mouth to ask another one but he caught me first by tugging me closer beside him.

"I hope this trip will make you happy."


Its time to board on our plane and by the time they were asking for tickets that's where I found out that he's planning to take us to japan! I didn't know when he planned all this stuff without me knowing but I've been telling him not intentionally though but oh my God.

I was getting giddy and excited as we went inside the plane and sat on our seats. My lips were getting stiff from smiling ear to ear.

"What are you happy about? Is it because we're going to Japan or we're travelling together?" Chanyeol asked as he sneakily took my hand warming it up with his temperature. I stared at it for a moment before answering his question.

"I actually never thought we could do this both..." I chuckled nervously and yet his eyes quickly looked curious to what I said.

"What do you mean?"

"That we will never do this or... we might actually break up first and did nothing like this." My smile slowly decreases. However he's squeezing my hand softly making me look back at his hazel orbs. These past few days I observed how Chanyeol was getting gentle and nicer to me, not that he's mean but he was always in his aggressive and possessive mode to the point that he always keeps on scolding me.

"The thought of breaking up with you never even passed in my mind."

My heartbeat went crazy so as my face got warmer all of a sudden. I blinked a few times to absorb in the idea however I was still flattered inside that I bit my lips to calm myself.


He smirked and he nodded his head signalling for me to lean closer.

"I love you."

My ears perked up and I quickly looked around us and good thing other passengers looked like minding their own businesses. I curved into a ball hugging my knees against my chest, hiding my tomato face and my reddish ears in embarrassment.

"Are you not going to say it back or I might as well say it louder?" Chanyeol's threat made me instantly raised my head up but only to get my lips surprisingly met his.

"I, I love you t-too..."


We arrived after a few hours traveling and with the present attitude of Chanyeol's possessiveness, he has one arm slung around me protectively. I was getting flustered in embarrassment nonetheless happy he felt proud, it's 4am in the morning. Our fans shouldn't be around here this time, right?

A squeeze on my right shoulder broke my thoughts.

"Stop getting tensed. No one knew we're here... as of now."