第46章: A night of work

She held her pipa. It has been months since she has performed. And knew full well of the rumors about her sudden disappearance and appearance. But that was always how she did it. How she defined herself.

Someone who came to all and at the same time none. She took care to appear only when necessary and to throw others off her potential trail. And sometimes, to ward off suspicion.

As a figure, she knew full well of the rumors that surround her. Even as she used them to her advantage. Be it whether she was a woman who went to many wealthy homes to perform, and only showed up here on occasion to gain clients. Or that she had been a ghost, a myth and never existed.

Luoyang had only seen her once.

Tonight might be her second. A wandering courtesan had always been rare. Even as it became the default profession that Madame Yuan asked them to use for women. The rumors were there, but many never used their real names when they entered.

And they were all needed to put on a show. Thus this had been the best front. One where others would create the alibis and the reasons why they were never around for long periods of time.

The minds of many were fertile, and Madame Yuan had used it to the best advantage with this tactic. And something that she knew the advantage of.

A man had less need to suggest it. But for a woman, this was how it always went. She stepped into the brothel. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Feiyu."

The owner of the brothel. It was always expected of her. Especially if she asked to speak with the woman. Often by her identifying red dress. Tonight, she was here for a performance. Clear from her hair, which was now piled up into a bun.

Nothing quite like what upper-class ladies could pull off. With her pipa in her hand and ready for her to perform. She had come in the early evening. Unannounced, but unlike many she had enough of a reputation.

Even as she begged the owner of the first to let her perform. And in one night, she had truly caught the eye of many. Where they mentioned her, enough that the next town she headed to perform was more than happy to welcome her.

Now she was the one who could enter any place and be able to find this. Though she was here in an attempt to talk to potential people. Perhaps on the younger side. Or an older man.

She had to be careful, especially on who she picked to talk to. The performance would allow her to gauge first. Mannerisms were a telltale sign.

Since her targets this time were men who grew up privileged or older merchants. More so than what she would perform. Nothing on it as she perfected all her songs. This was all about keeping her eyes on the audience.

Sitting in the back while waiting for them to introduce her. It was not an issue since there always was an opening. And her name was famous enough to get more customers.

The owner had walked out, in an attempt to finally begin. Normal for them to do this showcase every day. A chance for new girls to catch the spotlight.

"Today, we have a special visitor. Her name is well known, as a mysterious but master musician. She is none other than Feiyu."

Feiyu stepped inside into the stage. She carried her pipa and took a seat the back. She started with a light glide on the pipa. Before she plucked her string.

This was not anything to her. Something that she had been familiar with despite all. Having no issues doing it while she kept her eyes around. Looking for that person.

In the first table, she set her eyes on them. It had been not been young. Having grown a beard as an example to show off his experience. Although his clothes were in the mid-range. Nothing expensive.

A sign that he was probably not in the wealthy. She looked further, the next had been on the older side. But not old enough. With only a few stress lines, and his hair not exactly grey.

She looked at the next. This time it looked like someone who would qualify. His dress had been expensive, her eyes could tell that it had been fine silk.

In the next instance, she looked away again, as she could not let them see her focus on any too long. But she had found one. Scanning the crowd next, as her attention could not be split at this moment.

There were a few old men. She knew that it was the case. Often they were the ones who could afford to pay for personal courtesans to be with them. But there was always some who would come.

And it was far harder for her to try to enter families to perform as compared to a crowd just here. Where going to any of them would not be strange, especially with the rumors associated with her.

Feiyu had seen at least a few more. But she figured she could get a good look, as she was now on the last edge of the song. Once she was done, she could still get a good glimpse before making her decision.

To find any who might seem to be in a bad mood, either drinking a lot? Or rather wearing good clothes but not having much. Those were things she should keep an eye out for.

And so far, she had seen a few. And of them, perhaps only three were so. With Chang'an as the main focus of their cash, due to the fact that more merchants went there. As the silk road had the beginning there. And became the perfect route.

As well as having fewer regulations and less competition. Mainly because of the lost prestige of the city. Luoyang was older but maintained its foothold as a dual capital. As such, it was harder but also easier.

Once she was done, she took a step down. And headed to them. Men looked at her, knowing that she was the star of the show. Someone that they were captivated by. Even as they left to see her.

She looked at the man alone on the table. Unlike the others there were no women who were his companion. An unusual sight. Even as all he has was a bottle of wine beside him. His clothes were made of white and black, it was still fine silk but that was all she could tell about it.

But unlike the others, there was no decoration there. And no one was willing to be with him. A clear sign that he was likely to have issues. And perhaps those were things that were out of his control.

She returned the look, with interest. A small smile. She didn't need anything to suggest it, due to her expressionless performance. They could tell that this was interest. "Would you like to have a seat?"

"Yes, I would like that." Even as he helped to take her pipa and place it on the chair. And helped her to order some food.

"Where are you from?"

"That's a question that I can't answer."

"I mean, you're so cultured you should have come from the capital. I mean the song you played had been a recent composition." This could be a good thing for her, as it meant that he was in a good family. Only they could educate their boys to such a degree. To pay attention to the arts, instead of anything else.

"I came from a scholar's family. My father died when I was young and this was the only way I could go." Not uncommon for scholar families to become poor or desperate. She knew that with their common repudiation of anything to do with merchants.

It meant that their sources of income were limited to the more lucrative appointments of the court. And gaining rewards from the Emperor for loyal service and attention his every need.

And if they were to lose favor, their family would become destitute. A merchant family as a background did no harm, but as a profession it did. And thus why most of the merchant families which gained their wealth often gave it up in favor of becoming a court official.

It promised great rewards and power, particularly in how the country would have been run. And the ability to have a share in it.

"It must be hard to see your livelihood depend on the whim of a bureaucracy far away."

"He was a local Magistrate who died suddenly. And that meant that within the year there was no more money." Without it, there was not a good match to be found. So, it was better if she were to become independent.

"Yes, I understand that too. I mean after his death, all of a sudden everyone wants our assets. Even if we can barely live without it."

"Who wants them?"'

"Well, my father had come closer to fate. Especially before his death. He had wanted me to marry before his death although it was too late and now I would need to wait a further three years." She knew that it was possible that it was that.

No, she needed a little more. "I'm sorry for your loss. It must have been recent."

Perhaps that was why he was wearing white today. For he was mourning. "I didn't want to drink, but right now I have to. It's too difficult otherwise."

Even as she reached for the bottle and poured a cup. "I'm sure your thirsty." He took it, before drinking it. More than happy on her side since she anticipated his needs. She knew that it was supposed to be abstinence, but it was broken because he needed it.

"So, what you are going to do about it?"

"What can I do? I have no ability to deny them. My father had written them into the will. The most I can do is raise a dispute."

"Why don't you?"

"It would drag things out and not be good for the family reputation. My mother is against it, she thinks it's best for us to focus on my career. But she doesn't think of the time I would have to spend in it."

His sudden death had changed the tide for them. As well as left them vulnerable, and thus unwilling to pursue this matter.

"Have you heard of Yin Rui?"

He shook his head. Although unsure about how this would change things for him. He no longer knew any way out, and it seemed apt to push him to Yin Rui to do the questioning and would be of help.

"He is a man who can advise in matters such as this. You must not be working in the Ministry of Justice." Something like this would have fallen under their bracket because this could be counted as that. "Did your father will them assets?"

"Yes, but they demanded most of it. I'm in no position to do anything about it." New to his position and need to take care of his career. And possibly why he was here. A chance to be away from all the problems. "And I'm in the Ministry of Works."

"You can see him. He is helpful for such matters. You know the southern side, where they have all the legal cases together."

"Thank you." Not even questioning how she knew of this. A sign of his desperation. "How can I repay you for this?"

"How about friendship?" She didn't intend to go any further. But it could be interesting. "I'll be here for some time."

Without any suggestion of a gift. She didn't really need it, and she could use it for more information. "Liu Song."

He went off the table, paying for their meal together. The owner had been curious to know why she stayed. As she has not down before while she was here. But it was not unusual for her to do so.

She had left in that instance taking her pipa with her. Done for the night in finding someone. Where she took a long walk into the house.

Inside, she found Yin Rui. "So, found anything?"

"I did. There will be someone visiting you tomorrow. He's had the same troubles as before. And I think it would be better for me to lead him to you than to have him speak of it to me." A lot less strange too.

He nodded. Even as she stepped, ready to turn in for the night.