Chapter 2

I woke up with a Call from Kevin

*Babe ♡ Calling *

K: Hello Babe Good Morning

M: Good Morning Babe

K: Can you Go out of your Veranda

I Raised my Brows before Getting up and Walking in the Veranda when I Step outside I saw Him in the Front of our House with a Big Bright Smile on His Cheeks leaning on his Car. He Mouthed the Word ' Good Morning Gorgeous ' I smiled at him and Gestured to wait for me.

I did my Morning Ritual Extra Fast and Changed then I Got Gulped Down 2 Glasses of Cranberry Juice before opening the Door and I ran to him

' That was quite fast Babe '

'Of course I don't want you to keep waiting '

' Let's Go'

We Drove to School and Entered the Hallway together. Truth to be told I Love it when we arrive in school together because I feel Safer whenever he's Here. 😊


It's Lunch Time and I'm here at a Near Restaurant with Thea

' Lianne won't Kevin Join you for Lunch ??? '

I Gasped and Dialed Kevin's Number

K: Hello Babe

M: Hey Babe It's Lunch time I Thought you will Eat with Us???

K: I'm Sorry Babe. I'm in the Meeting room I Have a Varsity Meeting today.

M: Ow...Okay Babe...Just Remember to eat your Lunch okay

K: Yup eat well Babe. Love You

I Hang up my Phone and was about to tell Thea that Kevin Can't join us for Lunch when She Tapped my Arm

' Ow...Isn't That Kevin's Car '

I Looked outside and Just Across us is Kevin Going out of His Car into a Restaurant.

What the Hell Did I Just Saw. I was too Stunned To Speak.

' Hey Lianne are you Okay??? '

'Ah....Yes I'm Fine. He said He has a Meeting There '

' Are you Sure???? '


Yes...I Lied just Because I Know How Angry Thea will be if she knew that Kevin Lied to Me and Besides I Don't Know Why he Lied to me and I Don't want to Jump into Conclusion


It's The Last Subject and as Soon as I Step out of my Room I saw Kevin Leaning outside our Room.

' Hi, Babe '

I Continued Walking as if i saw Nothing. He Called my name and Chased after me so i Walked Faster but What can you expect from a 6'2 Guy vs. 5'2 Girl He Caught on me Fast.

' Hey What's the Matter Babe??? '

' You're Seriously Asking me that Kevin??? You Lied to me liar '

I was again about to Walk away when He Grabbed my Hands

' What did you Just say? I'm a Liar? What are you Talking about??? '

' From Someone who told his Girlfriend he had a meeting when in reality he was out having lunch with who know's who '

' Are we Seriously Fighting over this Little Thing Babe? '

' Little Thing? Do you hear yourself you Lied to me how is that a little thing '

' This is b******t Lianne. I'm already tired from Training but I'm still Here to Drive you Home and Now You Accuse me of this b*******. Whatever '

He Raised his Voice and He Walked away From me. What the Hell was That

After the Confrontation I Came Home with a Heavy Heart. I opened the Door when Suddenly a Guy Came Running to me and Embraced Me.

' LiLi I Missed You ~ '

Suddenly My World Turned Bright as I Realized who this is

' Xan-Xan You're Here ❤ '

Meet Xander Diem Chiu My Childhood Best Friend who is now a Famous Photographer in Asia and Europe We share the same Age but He had his Name Ringing through the World and For that I am so Proud of him.

'I Can't Believe Your actually Here in front of me. I Thought your staying in Paris for 3 more Months '

' Well I finished my Work there and I got a Good Opportunity here so i Grabbed it and Besides I really really Miss my Family and You My Chubby LiLi BTW you got Thicker LiLi what happened 😂 '

' Yah...Quit teasing me Xan-xan. Just Because Girls are Dying to Be yours doesn't mean Your Charm is applicable to me too'

' Tsk...tsk..tsk just Confess it you have a Crush on me...Don't worry I won't Dump you '

' What the Hell are you Talking about Xan-Xan I Have a Boyfriend for Pete's sake '

' Tsh...Yeah Right your Boyfriend that looks like a Monkey '

'Hahahahahhaha...Your sooo Crazy '

' Same Goes to you...Your my Bestfriend After all '

'Whatever Xan-Xan '

' So you wanna Grab some Ice Cream on our Favorite Ice Cream Parlor '

I Agreed to it and we Walked to our Favorite IC Parlor just Down the Street

' Good Evening 2 Scoops of Strawberry and Vanilla and 2 Scoops of Chocolate Mint Cookies '

' Still know my Favorite Flavors Huh?! '

' OFC your my Bestfriend After all '

I Laughed at what He said and after Paying our Order we Started to walk towards the Park where we used to play all the Time when we were still Kids

Talked about Life and Basicaly Just Catching up.

He Dropped me Home then Walked Next Door where His House is

I Did my Night Routine when a Notification lit up on my Phone and wheb I saw it's From IG

X_DiemChiu : *Picture of Me Eating * I Missed you so Much My LiLi 💜 @Lianne_GS

As I saw it a smile formed in my Lips. I Am Lucky to Have Xan-Xan in my Life