Chatroom Extra: Two Emperors & an Author

Author: So this extra may be classified as a semi-spoiler? I mean, Emperor of BFM does have a romance tag and it should be really obvious about who the ML and FL are at this point. But for the sake of my readers, I'm letting you know right now this is a semi-spoiler. Nothing specific will be mentioned, per say. So Read At Your Own Risk, ok? :)

Author: *Clears throat* Moving on! Let me introduce Shan Fu Jing and Huang Jin. To prevent confusion, their names will be shortened to SFJ and HJ. Say hello to the readers guys! :D

SFJ: Greetings! o(^▽^)o

HJ: hi

Author: So *pushes glasses up* the reason I brought you two together was to clear up a misunderstanding. Apparently, people think you're too similar.

SFJ: …pardon? ( ;´Д`)

HJ: Wut u jokin right? U better be lol

Author: Heh, sorry guys. But it's true. They think you're a lot alike. I accidentally gave you both similar sounding names too (Jing and Jin).

HJ: why u such a crppy riter?!!?!?!

Author: I don't wanna hear that from someone who can barely spell!

HJ: I rite well enuff … enough as long as peeple understand thats wut counts!

SFJ: We don't even look alike though… (๑´╹‸╹`๑)

HJ: thats rit! hes a shorty!

SFJ: I'm not short, you're just freakishly tall!

HJ: lol shorty

Author: Yes, yes, you look different. Unfortunately I skimmed over SFJs looks so people had to fill in the blank.

SFJ: (;へ:)

Author: Sorry, sorry! It was a short story, I'm an amateur writer! My talent is limited! Just so everyone knows, SFJ is 5'11" and HJ is around 6'5".

HJ: see? SHORT!

SFJ: …

Author: Not really! This is story is based off Ancient China/Far East. So really, SFJ is correct. You're freakishly tall.

HJ: …im king of the mountain! cant be helped if im tall like 1 lol! i am handomser too

SFJ: How would you even know who's more handsome? You're practically a hermit!

HJ: so? I dont need to be arond humans to kno I am the best looker

SFJ: You're so arrogant.

HJ: u just jelly

SFJ: (╬⓪益⓪)

Author: Ok. So, let's use SFJ family situation. We know that SFJ plotted for years to get justice for his murdered family. HJ, what would you have done?

HJ: ? Just find the b*****d an kill him. if some1 try to kill my sister i nif them, if some1 hurt Mei i use 2 nifs. wait i think abut it i use 3 nifs for wifey cause sis wont die an will nif them herslef

SFJ: Oh my gods! Take that back! Xui would not knife someone! She's better than that!

HJ: says u heh

SFJ: What on earth… how did Xui end up being such a good person with a brother like you?

HJ: im a gud person!

SFJ: By what definition?! You can't go around knifing people, even if they kill someone. You need to follow the law!

HJ: ???? i am the law???? same 4 u rit?

SFJ: Eventually, when I became the Emperor.

HJ: see? U can nif

SFJ: I'm not going to knife people!

HJ: (╯︵╰,) so sad

SFJ: Look, revenge is short sighted. At best it may sooth some immediate pain and anguish, but it won't solve the problem. My family was murdered due to political intrigue, bribery, and poorly written laws. Revenge might have eased my sorrow in the short term, but it wouldn't erase the past crime or stop that tragedy from happening again. But pursuing justice, making it so such behavior never happens to anyone else, is far more satisfying.

HJ: *digging in ear* but thats so much work.

SFJ: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Author: …right, so there's that. Let's talk about your lady love's next. What do you both think of your ladies?

HJ: wify is hte best best best best!!!

SFJ: (*´▽`*) Xui is the most lovely, smartest, kindest woman out there.

HJ: sis is pretty an gud. Its gud u think so too. Otherwise I nif u

SFJ: Σ(゜ロ゜;)

HJ: bro ur face lol

Author: SFJ, what do you think of Mei Hua?

SFJ: Eh? Eh? Why are you asking me?

Author: HJ told you what he thought of Xui.

SFJ: He's got a sister complex! Of course he gave his opinion!

Author: Yeah but I'm just curious now.

HJ: i want to kno 2

SFJ: *nervous* I mean, she seems like a nice young lady.

HJ: …?

SFJ: Uh… very… fit?

HJ: u lookin at my wify? (゚Д゚||)

SFJ: What?! No, I'm just saying she's strong! Physically strong!

HJ: lol im jokin!!! Why u scared? Lol

SFJ: …

HJ: actuly wify weak u know?

SFJ: Really? She seemed strong enough to me.

HJ: lol, thats bc ur weak too lol

SFJ: (¬_¬) I could beat her up easily if I wanted.

HJ: …

SFJ: …

HJ: u wanna fight me? u wanna die?

SFJ: I was talking theoretically. You're so sensitive.

HJ: am not! wut if i say i bet up sis? u laugh about that huh?

SFJ: You DID beat her up though. Of the two of us, I have more right to be angry.

HJ: (´;︵;`) bro i was just jokin why u gotta be so mean?

SFJ: Thinking about it, since you beat up Xui, shouldn't I get to beat you up? Wouldn't that be how you'd do it?

HJ: if u feel better u can do it o(╥﹏╥)o

SFJ: *rubs chin* …no, it's not fair to Xui. If anyone should be beating you up, it should be her.

HJ: Bro! ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽

SFJ: What? Are going to get mad if she hits you like last time?

HJ: (ノД`)・゜・. no! i am a gud man now i dont hurt sis or wify!

SFJ: Oh Gods, please stop crying. People are starting to stare!

HJ: u gotta beleve me bro! (/□\*)・゜

SFJ: I believe you, just stop crying!

HJ: sniff sniff

Author: *hands HJ a tissue*

HJ: *blows nose* even if i were a bad guy, i wont hit sis again. she punched once an it huuuuuuuuurt like a motherf******!

SFJ: Yes, well, you're both powerful mountain spirits so I'm not surprised.

HJ: rit? Over 9000 lol!!! Srsly Bro, dont make her realy angry ok? even if its 1 hit itll hurt so much u wanna die

SFJ: …since we don't get into fist fights we should be fine.

HJ: wut? Dont u guys fight ever?

SFJ: I mean, we've gotten into arguments but we don't HIT each other.

HJ: ..really? not even 1 time?

SFJ: No? Why? Does your "wify" hit you?

HJ: heh luv taps (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ so cute

SFJ: ... I worry a lot for both of you. Is it alright for you to be this way? Where are your parents? Someone, come raise these children!

Author: Anyway, there you have it. I hope this extra will clear up the misunderstanding about their similarities. They really really really aren't anything alike.