Chatroom Extra 3: Empresses and Wives

Author: Welcome back to the 3rd installment of Chatroom Extra! Today we will be answering questions from our readers. Guests today will be: Xuiying/Xuilan (name shortened to XUI) and her husband Shan Fu Jing (SFJ). Huang Jin (HJ) and his wife Mei Hua (name shortened to MH), and Ye (his name doesn't need to be shortened).

Ajax_flameborn @RoyalRoad asks:

'I'm curious if we'll ever get a chat room session with the empresses, I guess they would both have a deifinite right to the title, of the blue mountain. Point in fact would there technically be two emperors of the blue mountain as well? Both have a definite claim to the title by marriage but could potentially be overruled by the original title claiment, also as it is possible to have the title to multiple empire titles the blue fairy empresses side of the family still would maintian a strong claim to the title. I suppose the real question is how many emprerors and empresses of the blue mountain are there?'

XUI: Well, just because my husband is an Emperor of the Tian Empire doesn't mean he's got claim to any where else, much less the mountains. But theoretically… I guess he'd just be a Prince Consort on Blue Flower Mountain? My son would just be a Prince, but only in title, not in authority.

Of course, this is all assuming the Empress/Emperor title given to myself and my Brother are more than just honorary. I was always under the impression we were given such lofty titles because humans were sucking up to us, not because they expected us to truly govern them. They couldn't even see me for quite some time, so how could I "rule"? And if they had seen my Brother during his peak nerd shut-in phase, they'd have never labeled him an Emperor or a King.

Huang Jin: sis!!! (iДi)[holds metaphorically slapped face]

XUI: What? It's true! You wanted nothing to do with humans. The only way they knew anything about you was because I told them. So your titles were given because of your relationship to me. If they'd met you in your deer-geek prime, they'd have never dreamed of calling you Emperor, much less a King.

Huang Jin: [face thoroughly bruised from slapping] u r so mean!!! [runs away] 。・゚゚*(>д<)*゚゚・。

XUI: …

XUI: I swear that guy's EQ is permanently stuck in adolescence.

XUI: Anyway, Sister-in-Law, what do you think about possibly getting the title "Empress"?

MH: Do. Not. Want. Even if it was just honorary for you, it definitely wouldn't be that way for me. If I became an Empress, they'd expect me to do… something! And then no one would talk to me normally! I hate hate hate when people talk overly polite as it is, how could I deal with the formality for royals?!

XUI: But they listen to ANYthing you say when you're an Empress! And you get the best food, the best clothes, the best of everything.

MH: I don't care! I lived in a cave most of my life and I was happy! I just want normal life with normal relationships! NORMAL.

XUI: Hm~~ but you married my Brother?

MH: [speechless]

XUI: Anyway, his ego is way too big. He demands the highest level of respect from outsiders. You're his wife, he'll demand people treat you the same.

MH: [mutters] There's got to be some kind of compromise we can make… I really really don't want to be an Empress…

XUI: … (¬_¬ ) [doubt] Good luck with that.

Shakeel @RoyalRoad asks:

'How strong is MeiMei actually'

MH: Why would you ask that?! [inferiority complex intensifies]

[YE logs in…]

YE: [puts on glasses] Blue Flower Mountain Arts have 9 Levels, and 9 Steps within each Level. She's Level 1, Step 3.

MH: [quietly crying in a corner]

YE: For someone who's been practicing since she was a child… what can I say? She tries so hard but at this rate she'll get to Level 2 when she's 150 years old.

MH: 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。

YE: It's ok, not everyone has the talent.

XUI: Even if she's Level 1, she'll still be stronger than other beginner Martial Artists. Most Martial Arts focus on refining one's core and qi based attacks. BFM Arts focuses on qi defense and hand-to-hand combat. Sister-in-Law can defend against other beginners easily and her close range combat skills will be good enough to incapacitate them.

MH: Big Sis! ❣╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯❣

XUI: That being said, you're kind of weak for your age range.

MH: (πーπ)

XUI: [pats] It can't be helped. BFM Arts was designed for the BFM Villagers, who had a longer life span than the average human and thus had more time to master the style. You weren't born on the mountain, so naturally you don't have the advantage they did.

YE: [puts glasses away] And even if you're weak, we'll still love you as our adorable MeiMei!

XUI: That's right, that's right! Even if you're weak, you're still cute!

MH: … [runs away] 。゜(`Д´)゜。

XUI: What a reaction! [laughs]

YE: She's sensitive about her lack of progress in the BFM Arts. When Jin advanced so quickly, she looked like someone close to her had died. I thought of holding a funeral for her face (pride), which he'd completely slaughtered.

XUI: Ah, luckily she finds a different way to get strong, so whether she's good at BFM Arts, it won't matter in the end.

YE: She's still practicing BFM Arts.

XUI: Really?

YE: Oh yes, like I said, it really bothers her that Jin gained so much and he barely tried.

XUI: …

YE: …

XUI: That kind of attitude is adorable, isn't it? Makes you want to tease her endlessly.

YE: He he he, it really does…

dazzling_radiance @Webnovel

'Where's Xuiying now?'

XUI: Eh? You mean after I recovered from being a tree? I traveled back home (to the mountains), beat up my Brother a bit, and am now—

Author: [interrupts] Anything more than that, you'll just have to wait to find out. Sorry! ヾ(_ _.)

Author: Just to clarify, these Chatroom Extras don't take place in any one time period, but answers are based on "the story thus far".

Ajax_flameborn @Discord

'what is the largest cultural difference between the places east and west of the mountains'

XUI: [drags pouting Brother back] I need your help answering this question so stop crying!

HJ: [sniffles] ok even tho ur mean i will help [clings to Sister]

XUI: Blarg, let go you clingy child! [pushes Brother away] ANYway! I extensively traveled the West side of the Mountains, while the lovable idiot here knows more about the East.

HJ: (◞‸◟; ) …even if i'm an idiot y u say it outloud?

XUI: The West side is very diverse, both culturally and geographically. The weather ranges from tundra to tropical. There are lots of small and big countries. The place I settled down in, the Tian Empire, was the biggest. It took up almost the entire Western coast and big chunk inland as well. But to the north, south, and east there were smaller countries that spoke different languages and had different writing systems. There's even a country where the Maternal side has all the political and social power. You would think the differences would cause a lot of warring, but everyone was afraid of the Tian Empire. Even the Northern tribes that live off raiding are careful not to take things too far. When the Tian Empire takes a country over, it's no joke. They lose not just their leadership, but also their culture. It takes at least two generations to recover from the devastation. So rather than fighting each other, they collectively focus on defending against the Tian Empire. (Of course, that was before my husband and I got into power.)

HJ: its not like that on the east tho. wether is mor conistent an samish. theres less land an teh countrees r smallr. BUT. they also fight. all.the.time. who be the next king? Fight. some royal hurt some other royals feelings? Fight. guy wants girl? Fight. Looked at som1 wrong? FFIIIIIIHGT!! its rediculus! I dunno how theyve survvied so far lik this

XUI: I heard the Jianghu Islands are out that direction? Do you think that explains their aggression?

HJ: stupid jianghu ppl! dont get me started! they interfer with politiks all the time. half the fighting is ther falt! lots of disciples come from the east countries, so family ties are tight. An gods help every1 if a jianghu ppl is rleated to royalty.. Even worse result! they only understand absolut strength. u gotta beat em silly be4 they listen to sense. Sis, its so bad… I just wanna cry thinkin abut it!!!

XUI: I can imagine. The Western countries aren't nearly as bad, but the Jainghu Islands still influence them too. There's a sense of "might makes right" and "the strong rule". The Tian Empire essentially worked under that premise, and their immoral way of thinking made them greedy and cruel. The only way to change the system is to be strong AND just, otherwise no one listens or cares. [sighs]

HJ: the other thing about the east side is…its slow. like stuf on the west is nice an they got more advancments. but east side is always behind. Wu family talks abt it all the time. only thing east is good 4 is raw materals.

XUI: That doesn't surprise me. If they're always going to war, when would they have time to make any time to improve themselves? Not even talking about inventions, religiously and socially they'd be stunted.

HJ: ah!

XUI: ??

HJ: they r gud at making wepons an killin. lots of advancment there. apparntly best swordsmiths in the world come from the east

XUI: 'The swords are strong while the people starve.'

HJ: ya just lik that

Ultimaterror @ScribbleHub

'I have a question for HJ : "Who do you love more ? Mei Hua or Xiuying ?"'

HJ: !!!

MH: [stares at HJ]

XUI: [stares at HJ]

HJ: !!!!!!!!! [sweats profusely]

SFJ: Wouldn't it be fair to say you love each differently, but equally?


XUI: Awwwww… Hubby, why'd you help him out?

SFJ: He just looked so pitiful.

XUI: But he's cute when he's pitiful…

SFJ: I never took you for a sadist.

XUI: Oh, come on, I'm just teasing him! He bullied me for years, can't I do a little bullying back?

SFJ: …well, that's a good point.

HJ: BRO (((( ;°Д°))))

XUI: Also, Jin, I had to endure years of your smothering love. It's perfectly fine by me if you direct that affection in Sister-in-Law's direction.

HJ: Σ░(꒪◊꒪ ))))

MH: Thanks sis! [grabs HJ] Lets go sit down and have a nice con-ver-sa-tion about why you had so much trouble with that question, ok?

HJ: eh?

MH: [drags HJ away]

HJ: eeeeeeh!!!???

Author: And that's the end of this Volume's Chatroom Extra! Do you have a question you wanna ask a character? Just post your question in the comment box below this chapter and next time your name could show up! :)