De Ming Yu had sent the birds away, except for one which continued sitting on his head, and listened in quiet attentiveness to what Fu Jing and his siblings had to say.
"Let me make sure I understand correctly." He gave a slow measured reply after having heard everything. "Your wife was one of the two mountain spirits who dwelt in these mountains. You are here to find the other mountain spirit, who you call your brother-in-law. Your evidence of a relationship is written in the book you're refusing to let us see. And we can't read or handle this book because we aren't related to you."
Fu Jing nodded. "You believe me?"
"It's more like, I know that you are earnestly convinced of the truth in your statements."
" think I'm crazy then?"
De Ming Yu gave a low chuckle. "Would you blame me if I did?"
Fu Jing paused and then shook his head. If he hadn't lived it personally but instead was told this story by a stranger, he would think they were crazy too.
"What do you think, Big Bro'?" De Taihua anxiously interjected, glancing at Fu Jung as he did.
"As you said, a burdensome treasure indeed..." De Ming Yu pressed his lips in a thin line and rubbed his chin, "This issue is a delicate matter. Before we continue, I have one question."
"Please speak."
"Your... wife, where is she?"
Fu Jing's face fell. "Her body… died." He lifted his chin defiantly, his hand clutching where the book was stored in his inner pocket, "But I don't believe she's dead. I will not believe it. She is just… very weak, is what I think… which is why I can't find her… at the moment.."
The twin's face blanched at this news while De Ming Yu looked troubled. The "Big Bro" lowered his hand from his chin and sighed.
"But you have no proof she is alive other than your firm belief, correct?"
Fu Jing frowned but knew he couldn't deny it. "Correct."
"B-big Bro…" De Taihua grabbed De Ming Yu's sleeve, face pale, and whispered, "I-if he hears this--"
De Weishan was sitting on the opposite side and grabbed De Ming Yu's other sleeve, face equally pale, whispering at the same time, "He's not listening right now is he?"
"He's not listening." De Ming Yu assured and then stared off into the distance, thinking for a moment. He then gave Fu Jing a long stare. "We can help you but you must understand. Your news will not be received well, some preparation is required."
"How can you help me?" Fu Jing already suspected there was more to these three's identity than they were letting on. Especially De Ming Yu, who seemed able to control birds.
De Ming Yu chuckled at the question, eyes glittering slightly. "Uncle, what do you think? Did these two hooligans and I show up for our own benefit and curiosity or were we sent?"
"Ah!" Fu Jing instantly understood. "You were sent to investigate me in an official capacity?"
"Hn." He nodded. "Strong cultivators from the west are rare. If we were sent to investigate you, that means we have superiors. If we have superiors, we have connections. Therefore, we can help you."
"Are you three related to the magistrate?"
De Ming Yu tilted his head. "Until the contents of the book are confirmed, I can't really say who sent us."
"So higher than the magistrate."
De Ming Yu only smiled pleasantly in response, then turned to the twins. "Go to the Wu Manor and tell them I'll be bringing a guest." He cast an appraising glance at Fu Jing. "Make sure they have a bath and a change of clothes ready as well."
Even though Fu Jing was ashamed to be treated like a beggar, he kept a stoic exterior. He'd already stuffed his face with malatang he'd won in a fight, he didn't have the right to be embarrassed.
"Oh, afterward, bring Lin Ye to the Wu Manor to talk to me. If he asks why, just tell him I have a very interesting matter to discuss with him. Guaranteed to be more interesting than anything he's doing at the moment. But no matter how he nags you, don't tell him what it is, I'll tell him personally."
De Taihua and De Weishan nodded before standing and saluting, then making hasty retreat. As they left, De Taihua could be heard complaining to his brother, "First time the Old Man asks us to do something and see what happens! Peh!"
De Ming Yu coughed apologetically in Fu Jing's direction. "I hope you can forgive them both. They're young and, hah, a bit stupid."
"Not to worry, I used to serve in the army as well. Fine warriors are the priority for the military, not fine manners."
Hearing this, De Ming Yu gave a light laugh. "That is indeed true, though in their case they were raised better and just chose to ignore it."
The Wu Manor treated Fu Jing like a king, which felt a little bit ironic having been an Emperor most of his life. Even though he looked like a disaster when he walked in, not even the lowliest servant mistreated him. They were all very respectful, as though he was a revered guest. Fu Jing thought that De Ming Yu must have a lot of pull with the family that owned this manor.
He was quickly fitted for new clothes and then hurried off to a luxurious bath, which even included a massage afterward. The clothes were ready by the time he was done. He was able to shave the pitiful beard he'd managed to grow while destitute. If he hadn't just eaten prior to arriving, they'd probably have given him a full course meal. He felt like a proper man again.
When he finally arrived at the reception room, De Ming Yu was waiting there drinking tea in a leisurely manner. He had a single bird sitting on top of his head, but he treated this as totally normal. There were no servants in the room, but he wasn't alone. Beside him was a man who Fu Jing could only describe as… very green.
His most noticeable trait was his green hair. It was bright green, like spring grass. Even his eyes were green, though of a darker shade. As if to emphasize how much he loved green, even his expensive-looking clothes were green! The only thing not green seemed to be the hairpin in his top knot, which gleamed silver and his own pale skin. All the green overshadowed his baby face, which Fu Jing belatedly realized made guessing his age almost impossible.
The green-loving man squinted at Fu Jing and said condescendingly, "Bah, what's so special about him, if it's true? Look, he's even short like me, ah!"
Fu Jing instantly stiffened. "My height is average."
"Oh, so you can hear me. Can you see me too?" The rude man asked.
"With the way you're dressed, I'd have to be blind not to see you."
"Hey, hey, my fashion sense is--"
Du Meng Yu cleared his throat and raised a knowing eyebrow at the man in green. The man pouted slightly and then turned to Fu Jing again, chattering away, "Sorry, sorry, I'm getting us off-topic aren't I? Have a seat. De Ming Yu filled me in on the general details already. I'm a bit shocked right now, you know? This is like a child discovering his mother divorced and remarried without telling him. Just came home from playing outdoors one day to find a strange new man in the house, ah!"
Fu Jing paused in the middle of seating. "Are you comparing my wife to a loose woman?"
Du Ming Yu almost spit out his tea covering his mouth trying to hide his laughter while the man in green just looked at Fu Jing in surprise.
"Ah? It kinda sounded that way didn't it?"
Fu Jing decided not to sit down. This entire town was out to pick a fight with him, wasn't it?
De Ming Yu hastily stood up and waved his hand at the chair. "Please, Uncle, just ignore his impertinence. He didn't mean to insult anyone, he really is too dazed to think straight. Have a seat, try talking again. I promise, it will be worth it."
Fu Jing hesitated but seeing De Ming Yu was giving him a slightly pleading look, his heart softened. De Ming Yu had been polite from the beginning, and supposedly this person would help him… though this green obsessed fellow was rude, if he could help it was better to be cooperative… Fu Jing finally sat down.
De Ming Yu sighed in relief and began pouring Fu Jing tea.
The man in green pursed his lips as he watched Fu Jing get served tea. When it was clear Fu Jing wasn't going to be the one to start the conversation, he spoke again, though in a much more polite tone. "Pardon me for being rude before. I'll introduce myself first: I'm Duke Lin Ye of Lanhua."
Fu Jing's eyes widened slightly at this statement. The reports of the wildness of this country really hadn't been exaggerated. Imagine making someone like this a duke?!
"Apparently you knew the Empress?"
"And your name?"
"Fu Jing."
"Your full name, please."
He blinked at this pointed question. How had this strange man in green known?
"Shu Fu Jing."
"I see. You come from the far west? Exactly how far?"
Fu Jing thought for a moment but decided to be honest.
"The Tian Empire."
"So very far then… we barely get news of that place this far east."
"Hn, in the Tian Empire anything this far east is only vaguely known about. Most of our maps don't even reach to this region. I think I've only seen one map showing the mountains, it was very old and a copy of a copy. It was as a warning for future-- I mean, it was to warn the Tian Empire to stay away from them. That they were cursed."
Duke Lin Ye's wide eyes narrowed in amusement. "So they remember getting thoroughly trounced after all this time?"
"They do remember."
"I see..." Duke Lin Ye lowered his gaze, looking troubled. He seemed to want to say something but stopped himself. After struggling he looked back up, a strained expression on his face. "I'm going to test your knowledge, Mister Shu Fu Jing, to see if what you say is true."
Fu Jing felt this was reasonable but also wondered how the Duke knew his wife well enough to interrogate him about her.
"Mister Fu Jing is fine."
Duke Lin Ye nodded.
"What was the Empress' obsession?"
"What was her brother's obsession?"
"After meeting humans, what did the Empress create?"
"Did you ever meet them?"
Duke Lin Ye nodded.
"Do you remember any names of the fairies you met?"
"I do," He gave a slight smile. "She tended to name them after whatever they were shaped like or the nearest object at the time. There was Zhen, Mu, Gao, Ke, Yuan… and many more than that, but those were the ones I interacted with most frequently. The first one she ever made was named Fa. He was a little slower than the rest…" He suddenly paused, eyebrows raised and realization flashing in his eyes. "Oh, there was one I didn't meet but she mentioned him often enough that I remembered his name. She'd left him behind to watch after her brother and she worried because she didn't know if her brother and his fairies would bully him while she was gone. His name was Ye."
The Duke Lin Ye's face had gotten paler the longer Fu Jing spoke. At the mention of Ye, the Duke made a strangled sound and promptly burst into tears. De Ming Yu actually jumped in his seat in surprise at having his black-bellied uncle next to him cry so openly.
Covering his face with his hands, the Duke sobbed heavily. "She remembered-- she remembered me!"