Finishing Training

-Recap: Salem met a higher up entity that gave him 'Gifts' or powers, very very strong powers, and let him reincarnate into the marvel world as the first born of Odin.-

I jumped up from my idleness and picked up my wooden sparing spear and faced my adversary, Heimdall the sentry of Asgard.

Heimdall: "are you ready because we when we next begin we will not stop till I am satisfied with your form"

Salem:" I would expect no less from me or you now then let us begin"

I know I could easily beat Heimdall with my powers and he did to although he did not know my true capabilities. In the case I am rendered powerless, even though it is unlikely although not impossible, I want to be able to hunt, track, cook, defend my self barehanded with a spear, sword, bow, etc, with brute strength mixed with masterful skill.

Preparing for my upcoming spar I shifted my right leg in a bent pose in front of my torso while putting my left behind me in a straightened poise while allowing the rest of my body to lean forward putting almost all my weight on my right leg. I then put my spear forward in both hands almost as if i was holding a gun while allowing the last few feet of the weapon to rest on my shoulder.

Heimdall:" you improve quickly this maybe our last lesson"

Salem:"well lets get on with it then"

As those words left my mouth Heimdall charged forward with impressive speed for some one with his stature and clothing.

Although I was fast and quick my reactions had been the thing he had been refining through our battle training and what he called an asguardian sixth sense which was intuition from what i had learned so far but he had refined them well. I swerved to the left as he brought his sword yes his actual sword, luckily it was sheathed, down upon my previous location and although he missed me with his sword he used his impressive frame and sharp and heavy armor to smash into my right flank easily bruising it if not breaking a few ribs on that side, I ignored the pain it was a thing I had trained to Direct, ignore, or outright use, as I seemingly stumbled more and more to my left I sent out a light yet calculating and accurate swing hitting into the back of Heimdall with a sickening yet satisfying crunch, undoubtedly breaking a rib or two. Inciting the hefty man to back away in pain and surprise.

After we had both recovered somewhat we went into defensive positions slowly circling left, as to get on each others weak and blind spots, finally after seeing a small opening in his stance I plunged my wooden sparing spear forward trying to rend his defense starting with that small opening. What I did not account for was that he had done this on purpose. As I brought my spear forth his arm as if in slow motion yet to fast to react to wrapped around the head of my wooden sparing spear and flexed as he snapped it like a twig.

Now utterly defenseless from his sword I jumped back about ten meters trying to escape his reach, but he would not let me, as he charged forward almost faster than I could retreat from and as he gradually caught up with me in our large sparing room I decided to take a radical action and stopped allowing him to catch up the last few meters and bring his sword down upon my location and as he did I put up one hand in an unimaginable burst of speed and strength and mid strike pushed his blade to the side giving me just enough room to use my free fist to smash into his unguarded jaw.

A few moments later Heimdall one of if not the most well respected and most experienced asguardian warriors fell to the feet of a sixteen year old boy unconscious and bruised. The boy that had been standing over him then collapsed as well as he slowly faded into unconsciousness relieving him of thought and the pain of his numerous broken bones.

As I slowly opened my eyes I immediately realized the scenery had changed jerking my head quickly from side to side checking my surroundings I quickly understood that I was in my personal chambers, it seemed as if everything had been taken care of then and my healing factor had kicked in after the fight healing my bruised and broken body. unfortunately for Heimdall his asguardian regeneration was much slower than mine making him a cripple for the next day or two .

As I thought of such things a maid entered the room after a few moments of bland cleaning she realized I was awake.

curtsying She said "Prince Salem, the king demands thy presence at once upon thy awakening"

'It seems my father does not approve of real sparing'

Shaking myself out of my thoughts I responded to the maid "Inform him that I shall see him right away"

He then got up and dressed in slightly formal attire and made his way to the throne room, despite being to technologically advanced this civilization was still stuck in Such a feudal government, Salem decided he would change that if he had any spare time after He was done with his plans, His ingrained need of efficiency demanded it so.

Upon arriving in the throne room Salem observed that it was empty of all guards and maids, this was going to be more interesting than he had originally envisioned.

Odin was fuming his thoughts where very jumbled he was angry at his son because he had harmed Heimdall almost beyond repair although his old friend would luckily work through it he would be a cripple for the next few months, He did not know where his son had got this kind of strength he knew the boy was a genius rune master but not hardened warrior especially of this degree to the point of one strike almost fatally wounding likely the strongest warrior in Asgard besides himself and that wasn't even including the completely pulverized jawbone which required him to fix.

Seeing the red face that was seemingly about to explode with anger Salem began becoming hesitant to come forward he knew he could easily kill all of Asgard but he had no wish to especially since he would rid himself of one of his biggest advantages, his knowledge of the future, He could control and manipulate everyone in this universe with the knowledge he carried and he did not care to lose such power.

After a seemingly endless berating Odin had sent Salem to be Asgard's temporary sentry till he was called for,to which Salem had complied.

What the he did not know is that this is exactly what I thought the he would do, so I had made arrangements that when I first came to the Bi-frost I was able to leave Asgard an option that beforehand was completely unavailable to me due to my 'Parents' 'Protectiveness' which in truth meant they thought I was to inexperienced and Young to travel beyond the barriers of Asgard, which he had tried to convince them otherwise a multitude of times even being as brash as to challenge his father to which the king had declined, and would have if he had excepted been defeated by the sheer power I have at my disposal.

after completing a few simple tasks such as faking his assassination Salem exited the asguardian palace and stealthily headed towards the rainbow bridge where he would escape from this disillusioned hell hole and gain his freedom from his father and mothers 'influence' and gain the freedom to do his more... uncouth acts.