Taking care of these bitches

Rose looked at the beaten up boys. They were beaten up quite badly but at least not to the point that they need to go to the hospital.

'Five against one? Nice.' Rose said complimenting Jack.

'Hmp. What do you expect?' Jack said proudly. Rose looked at him.

'It would have been better if you were unscathed.' Rose said. Jack also have some minor cuts and bruises. But not as bad as the five boys.

"Look what that boy did to our sons." A chubby mother said rather over acting and stood up from her seat. "Our sons are all wounded and bruised."

"Yes. He should be expelled from this school. What kind of students do you bring up in this school?" Another chubby mother followed en route.

Jack clenched his fist. They were trying to put the blame on him.

Rose held Jack's clenched hand. 'Let me take care of these bitches.' She have him a wink.

"Please ladies. Let's calm down and talk properly." The principal said.

"How would you let us calm down in this kind of situation. Our sons were beaten badly. We need to take action!" A slim mother said.

"Please! Let us calm down and talk things thru." Rose's voice rang inside the room. It was mellow but yet the people inside felt the authority in it. The mothers stopped talking and calmly seat down again. Fear was etched in their faces.

Jack saw the other's reaction. 'It looks like Rose is using her 'authority' as a vampire.' As vampire species are atop the food chain it is just human instinct to feel fear towards them.

"Mr. Principal you know that Jack would never instigate a fight. For sure these boys did something to piss off Jack." Rose said calmly.

"I understand what you're trying to say Ms. Rose but he still engaged into a fight. So he can't be pardoned." The principal explained. "And this has happened quite a few times now. I'm afraid we have to suspend Jack."

"What?! Only suspend? He needs to get expelled." The chubby mother screeched.

Rose looked at her fiercely. The chubby mother noticed this and she felt her body stiffen in fear.

"It is as written in the school's student handbook madam. It is the right action to take. And your sons are also suspended together with Jack." The principal said.

"What?!" The other mothers are displeased with the results.

"Excuse me but as I can see my nephew is clearly injured as well. Your sons also threw punches. So it is just right to punish them as well." Rose said with a domineering voice. "And this was a fight between children. Let's not make this things into a big issue. This thing is normal in their age."

All was silent. They don't know why but after hearing what Rose said they have no choice but to obey.

"Well if no one has any objections then I'll conclude this meeting." The principal said. It was silent. "Okay. I will give each of your sons 2 weeks suspension. They can resume going to school after that. On top of that they will have one month community service here in the school grounds once they get back."

The mothers present can't do anything but agree to the principal's decision. Rose smiled sweetly.