
Rose and Cloud were inside Charles' pick up truck. Charles was driving while Rose was sitting in the passenger sit and Cloud was at the back seat.

"What's the situation?" Rose asked.

"At remote villages there were cases of missing corpses." Charles started. "At first it wasn't a big deal because it was just one to two corpses and they were of people without living families so it wasn't reported."

"But after some time many bodies of the dead had been missing. And rumors about sightings of these dead bodies walking around was spreading."

"Just a few weeks ago living people started to go missing at night. I was the first one to be ordered by the association to investigate. I arrived about a week ago." Charles reported.

"What have you found in your investigation?" Rose asked.

"It's true that the corpses have started to re-animate. They have become zombies." Charles exclaimed.

"Zombies?" Cloud said. "I have studied that re-animating corpses are made by mages like necromancers."

"You are correct there my boy." Charles said. "But I'm afraid that this isn't just a simple necromancer."

"What do you mean?" Rose asked.

"I have fought the re-animated corpses. They are well built and sturdy. They don't go down with just a bullet in the head. You really need to cut them down and turn their bodies into ashes." Charles explained.

"A forge master." Rose answered.

"What's a forge master?" Cloud asked curiously. He wasn't that far on the books about witches, wizards, and mages.

"Forge masters are much more powerful than necromancers. The necromancers can only call upon the dead and re-animate them. Forge master can also re-animate the dead but also morph them into a new being that they desire." Rose explained.

"Have you ever heard of the soldiers in World War 2 that the Nazi's were using?" Charles asked.

"No." Cloud replied.

"You still have a long way to go kid hahaha." Charles laughed.

Rose looked at him with eyes like daggers. After Charles saw this he felt a cold sweat trickle down his forehead. 'What? Can't I tease the kid?' Charles thought.

'He has just started a year ago. He is doing a good job compared to you when you were starting your training.' Rose talked to Charles telepathically.

'Okay, jeez. You're like a mother hen protecting it's chick.' Charles surrendered.

"The Nazi had a forge master back in World War 2. The soldiers they have used in some battles are said to be zombies. They were not ordinary zombies but the ones that were strong. They weren't going down even they were showered with hundreds of bullets."

"I have been called there that time and the battle with these types of zombies became a blood bath against the allied forces. I came there to tell show them how to kill these zombie soldiers and also to find the forge master. Finding the forge master also means stopping the zombies." Rose explained.

"So you mean a forge master is behind all of the missing corpses and living people?" Cloud asked.

"I'm afraid so." Rose said. "How many people and corpses have been missing?"

"As of now in the vicinity it would be at least a hundred. But after investigating around I found out that this has been a trail. From Bulgaria to Macedonia and now here in the vicinity of Thessaloniki Greece. I'm thinking it must be thousands by now." Charles said. His usual grin was replaced with a serious face.

"Someone's building an army." Rose came into a conclusion.

"An army?" Cloud asked. "If that's so with an undead army they can surely win any battle. But who would think of such a thing?"

"That's why we are here to find out." Rose answered.