
"The beautiful woman and her companions that passed here 3 months ago weren't humans." Anika said. "My mother also realized this but didn't tell anyone out of fear."

"Did your mother tell you what they are?" Rose asked.

"They were vampires." Anika answered with a firm voice.

"You know about vampires?" Rose asked.

Anika nodded. "Only what my mother had told me."

"Is it okay if we talk with my comrades?" Rose asked. Anika nodded in agreement.

Rose and Anika walked towards the room where Charles and Cloud were.

'Knock knock' Rose knocked lightly on the door.

The door opened after a few seconds and Charles was standing beside it. He was half naked and his lower body was only covered with a towel. His hair was still wet. He puts his arms up and leans on the door sill.

"What business does a young beautiful woman want in a man's room in the middle of the night." Charle's was definitely flirting with Rose.

"Ayah!" Anika screamed after seeing Charles half naked. But Rose caught her mouth before it became loud.

"Oh sorry. I didn't see the little girl behind you." Charles rubs his hair and clearly looked embarassed.

Rose looked at him coldly.

"This isn't the time to flirt Charles." Rose said. "And there are minors."

"So-rry." Charles exaggerate.

Rose entered the room with Anika in tow.

"Wear something then come back here." Rose ordered Charles.

"Yes ma'am." Charles saluted and walked outside. When he was about to open the door Cloud entered.

He just had a shower. His jet black hair is still wet. He was wearing a white t-shirt and black shorts.

Anika stared at Cloud for sometime.

"He's handsome." Anika was only thinking about this but somehow she blurted it out. Rose and Charles giggled.

"Oh no. Did I just say that out loud?" Anika blushed with embarrassment.

"Looks like you have an admirer kid." Charles said while ruffling Cloud's hair and went outside.

"Hey! I'm not a kid." Cloud said with irritation. "And why are the two of you here?"


Anika told Charles and Cloud what she just told Rose including her witch ancestry.

"Then tell me what did your mother tell you about the woman you saw." Charles asked.

"That the woman was a vampire. But not just an ordinary vampire." Anika said. "Mother said she was a pureblood. That is why she didn't say anything out of fear."

"A pureblood? That explains the presence that I was feeing." Rose said.

"Are you still feeling it now?" Cloud asked.

"The time I felt it at the foot of the mountain it disappeared also. I was careful to hide my presence so I am sure she didn't feel me." Rose explained.

"Then let's say this pureblooded woman is behind all this. What are our plan of action?" Charles asked.

"We need to find her lair. If the incident with the missing corpses and people and the sighting of the walking dead are here, then she is just close." Rose concluded.

"Anika, do you know somewhere near here or in the vicinity of this mountain that can be used as a lair?" Cloud asked.

Anika suddenly blushed after Cloud talked to her.

"W-well, I k-know that there are some ancient ruins at the heart of the mountain." Anika stuttered.

"Then that can be there lair." Charles said. "They can't be outside daylight so for sure they need cover indoors."

"But one of them is not a vampire." Anika interjected.

"The young man you said that walked out in daylight?" Rose asked.

"Yes. He has tanned skin and looked of greek descent." Anika answered.

"I have a feeling he is the forge master." Rose said. "But at such a young age?"

"He must be a genius then." Charles said.

"Why? Can't young people be naturally gifted?" Cloud said with a bit of irritation.

"It's not like that. I mean being a necromancer is a huge feat in itself. But becoming a forge master is a really big hurdle." Charles explained.

"Charles is right. The forge master that I encountered in world war 2 was a man in his late 50's." Rose said.

"How young do you think this guy is?" Cloud asked Anika.

Anika was startled and blushed again. Cloud sighed looking wt Anika's reaction to him.

"U-umm maybe at least 17-18 years old. Maybe as old as you." Anika replied.

"I'm 16 now." Cloud said. Anika's eyes widened. She thought that Cloud was at least 18 years old with his body's physique.

"What are we going to do?" Charles asked.

"Tomorrow can you guide us there Anika?" Rose asked.

"Yes. I know the way." Anika answered.

"We will look at the vicinity of the ruins. We need to be cautious. Maybe the vampires are asleep in daylight but the zombies are not." Rose said.

The other three nodded in agreement.