One step at a time

Lily Watanabe originates from a normal family that migrates from City S. The Watanabes started their business on antiques after came to City N which thrive to become well known establishment in a year time, bringing them to upper class society in short time.

Staying at the Boulevard Hills enable the Watanabes to become neighbour to the Blakes ancestor house - which allows Lily to be close to David grandparents, thus allow her to know David when he return to meet his grandparents on their periodically visit.

Meeting David occasionally bloom sense of longing within Lily since her tender age, thus her frequent visit to his grandparents house. Not only this build her dutiful, pure and kind image, also able to grab David's grandparents affections as David is single born heir in the family - no daughter. So, both grandparents spoilt Lily as theirs.

But her hopes to marry David were smashed into pieces when she heard that David was engaged to Sophie due to his parents plan to unite two family friends. She once voice out her wish in getting close to David once to her parents but was rejected strongly because of "different status" reason.

The Watanabes are not as same profile as the Blakes or the Shanes. They belong to the normal worlds, where Lily should not have the thoughts on David. Getting good graces from the Blakes are sufficient.

Yet Lily ain't satisfied with that. She aimed to have David for herself, thus she started to plan and calculates in getting David's attentions.

David visited his grandparents over the weekend, once every month. Lily started her plan in stages, one step at a time. She firstly obtained David contact details, then frequently message him by portraying a helpless, pure white lotus image. They then become close as friends.

Meeting David everytime he come to visit his grandparents, Lily then invented several 'accidental' meetup here and there so that they were able to spend times together. Stumble to each other in malls leads to cinema dates, cafes and restaurant leads to dinner or lunch dates and grocery shop to personal cooking at home kitchen.

One point to another, frequent meet up leads to familiarity, for feeling 'close' bloom unconditionally.

Lily device such plan to a point where David begin to reach out her willingly, sharing to her secrets and his dream.

Then, at one crucial point on her relationship with David, when she was waiting David to come to pick her up at one night, she was attacked by brute ruffians and nearly losing her virginity. She was barely rescued by David that she was shaking in fear and crying her heart out.

In midst of anxiety, the suspension bridge effect amplify greatly - leading them to jump on bed together and started their relationship two days after David engaged to Sophie. Lily won her first battle - obtain David heart. Next, to be the lady of Blake's.