Meant for each other

Sophie found out all her pictures taken by Vincent was perfect. Planning to say thanks to him, she noticed Vincent already make his way to the patio. She rushed to the patio faster than Vincent. She seated next to her mother while urging VIncent to be seated next to their father so she could take a picture together. A family selfie.

Taking a few pictures posing this and that, Sophie moved to sit comfortably opposite her parents while her eyes are still focusing on her phone.

"I never knew you active in social media, Sophie dear" said Jessica after noticing Sophie eyes fixed on her mobile phone.

"I'm not, mom."

"But you were taking pictures…" she tried to probe.

"No, I just share some to David."

"Ahh, David.. You should invited him as well, Sophie."

"Family vacation." (ಠ_ಠ)

Vincent briefly replied. He's totally disagreed for that stupid fiancee of his little sister to join and spoilt their family vacation. Nope, never.

Jessica noticed her son objection smirk, then try to tease him more.

"You know he going to be a part of our family soon, VIncent. Why not be familiar now."

"Soon, not now. Future might be differ."

Sophie heard how Vincent indicate otherwise in her relationship with David, strongly opposed her brother and quickly in bad mood. Sophie is a simple girl, she smile when she happy. Angry when her bottom was tested, which in her case was her relationship with David. David is everything to her.

"No way in future it's going to be different."

Sophie huff and puff through out the time until she felt perturbed. So she took a chance to walk alone along the lake. After few minutes walk, Sophie stopped and found herself under a red maple tree.

She take a sit under the shades of the tree while throwing an eye on her reflection on the water. Looking at her own reflection, Sophie caught herself thinking over what Vincent have said before, her future with David.

'No, we were meant for each other. I do believe my future with David would be perfect.'