henver : hey do you do designing cause I can make dress for you
clarisse: of course I can do it I'll make a suit for you what color do you like
henver: blue and yellow
Clarisse: me too I love that too color I hate the color red
henver: me too I will color your own dress that suit with you're power
clarisse: sure
reader: then they made a suit for each other... hey ! sis I thought I'm a reader why did I turn into a narrator
author: you're a reader and narrator ok let's continue
clarisse: hey brother I'm done with the suit
henver: me too look
clarisse: wow its rainbow I like it. and this for you
henver: wow its cool you're gooder than me
clarisse: were just equal
reader: what's it look like they just said the color not the look
author: its complicated just pretend that its beautiful
reader : ok let's continue our story
henver: common let's eat let's take a break first
Clarisse: ok I'm hungry too .. do you have a filling flavored chocolate
henver: yes here eat what ever you like
Clarisse: cool thanks
reader: then they eat a delicious breakfast really delicious
clarisse: hey brother do you like mangas
henver : yes I like reading mangas how about you
clarisse: of course common let's read the manga I like
henver: sure that's not a tiring things
clarisse: here this is my favorite manga holy chef crazy empress
henver : oh that story that's a good one too
clarisse: yeah it update now
reader: then they read the manga until...
clarisse: I really hate when somebody take away they're love ones the ship is starting but there's always a stoper
henver: me too
clarisse: wow brother i guess we have a lot of things that we love
henver: yeah I guess we can be very close
clarisse:yeah its cool to have brothers
henver: yeah but its cooler to have sister like you a good girl
clarisse: yeah but what you know someday I really don't want love to be my weakness and want to become evil
henver: yeah you will become a destruction to everyone but don't worry we'll never hurt you
clarisse: promise me that ok I don't want to be destruction
henver: we all promise you
reader: yeah I remember her weakness is love and the only way to cure that is to be evil I think that's what the title means
author: shut up yeah that's one of the meaning of the title but there's more and reader can you please don't be spoiler
reader: ok..... ok other readers let's wait for the next episode