Pop cakes, princesses and a fever

Ryn watched as Mika tried her best to turn the plain white pop cake into a princess pop cake.  She smiled when Mika, already flustered and almost at the brink of tears, looked at her with her big eyes desperately. 

"Fine.  Here, let me help you." Ryn looked around.  Her mind processed quickly, looking for ideas to help her best friend. 

Then, the light bulb lit.  Her eyes shone as inspiration struck.  She took some chocolate dough and tried to make ruffles from it.  Luckily, the chocolate she melted and added some cream could be pound, shape, and roll and flattened. 

Then, she layered it around the cake ball, imitating a princess gown.  

She could not stop giggling seeing how 'fat' the pop cake turned into but still, she did not stop.  Then, using a small stick, she drew shapes of a gown, almost resembling a gown.  

"A fat gown?" Mika cried.