Eating, sleeping and exercising are my hobbies

Ryn woke up when the car stopped. She looked around and found them stopping at the red light.

"If you are still tired, just continue your sleep."

"Hmm..." Without thinking, she closed back her eyes and continued sleeping.

She was exhausted. Yesterday was an eventful day. The morning was spent with teaching and guiding Harry with his walking. Then, she went to a photoshoot that last way over midnight. She found herself slumping in her room at 5.25 in the morning. Then, she needed to wake up for this. Only 2 hours, more or less, sleeping and now she had to wake up to work... again.

She might need to think about this modeling job again. Too little sleep was not good for health! She needed at least 14 hours of sleep.

"Luckily I come pick you up, right?" he chuckled.

She nodded dumbly. Mei Li suddenly had a family matter to attend to and luckily for her, her fellow partner model, Sam, could come to pick her up.