Signing the contract

Sugar looked a bit pale as she watched Ryn taking her time sipping the drinking water she prepared earlier. No word came from Ryn.

Ryn did not even comment when Sugar said she made green tea for them. 

Not a word.

Even Mei Li was quiet.

It made Sugar getting more nervous. She tried not to show her feeling but she guessed it shows clearly when Mei Li gave her a reassuring smile. She took deep breaths to calm herself without showing it.

"Have you prepared the contract?" Ryn asked finally after she finished the whole bottle. 

"Yes... But... I am not sure which one you want..." Sugar's voice was a bit small, still nervous.

"Which house do you want?" Mei Li asked, wondering which house Ryn took interest in. Even during the journey these days Ryn never said anything about the house. She just kept quiet about her thought of the houses. So now, finally, she finally would know what Ryn chose.