
Jason was sleeping peacefully when his phone rang. Without opening his eyes, his hand moved around to search for the ringing phone.

After five minutes and the silence and ringing back from the phone, he finally found it. Without looking at it, his finger slid on the screen to stop it from ringing again. Then, he finally lifted his head slowly.

His head felt like it was pounding by a group of elephants dancing the waltz in a salsa song. It was hurting so much, he wanted to pound his head to the wall. No wonder he hated drinking a lot of alcohol (3 glasses of beer).

It took him another half an hour before he found the energy to wake up. He made quick work of washing up and putting on clean clothes. He did not feel hungry at all. His stomach was feeling so weird but it was not a number two.

He walked down slowly, still rubbing his head. He did not even have the mood to smile.