The breakfast date (02)

Ryn did not say anything anymore. She simply sent a message to Mei Li, reassuring her that she remembered about the shooting today. She would go straight to the venue and Mei Li did not have to come to accompany her. She would be fine. And not to mention, Mika was here with her. Ryn had no doubt Mika would skip her work to accompany her so might as well make use of the free travel cost and 'bodyguard'. Afterward, they could have lunch and dinner anywhere Mika wanted. Ryn smiled silently at her own plan.

Mika looked at Ryn worriedly. How could this naïve best friend of her do not even realize when a predator was aiming at her? What should Mika do to help open up Ryn's eyes widely and realize her surrounding? Not good. So not good. Her hands gripped at the sight as she fretted about this matter.