A nobody like her

Ryn raised her head and took a deep breath. Calm down, Ryn, calm down. Jeremy was being his childish self and she should not follow his way. 

Someone should be an adult in this kind of situation.

And that person would be her. Whether she liked it or not.


Another deep breath and another heavy sigh before she was able to control her emotion. She turned to look at her childish boyfriend who was supposed to be a genius.

And he was older than hers! He should be able to control his emotion better. Where was the cold prince of business? She could barely see that man in him today. And she wondered whether the person who gave that nickname to Jeremy was being blind. This Jeremy did not look cold at all. He was being childish through and through!

"Jeremy," she chided.

He ignored her. He pretended to be so focused on his driving, he could not hear anything else.