The hen party (1)

Ryn woke up and stared straight at the wall blankly. It has become a habit for her nowadays. Five minutes to ten minutes she did not move, even until half an hour she never moved from her position and kept staring at the wall. Then, she finally snapped and made a beeline into the bathroom.

Her bladder was at the point of exploding if she kept daydreaming on the bed.

She returned back to the bed and searched for her phone. She remembered that she did not charge it yesterday and just threw it anywhere before she fell asleep last night.

She found it underneath the blanket, almost at the edge of the bed. She quickly attached the charger to it and left it on the nightstand to be charged. 

The cameras all over the house has been taken by the crews last night when they left the house. She had no idea what kind of videos they got but she hoped it was something good. She did not want to waste their time the whole day filming her.