The wedding

The Dowager was already sitting on her seat at the wedding venue. She clutched her cane as she watched everyone else, especialy the guests that the two families invited filling the seats with the help of the usherers. She smiled happily when more than three guests came to her to congratulate her for this wedding. 

She was so proud when they all praised Mika and Jason. She called her in-laws to sit beside her so they could hear the praises too. 

The couple was supposed to sit on the other side but being her, she ordered them not to be too rigid. Why should they allow others to dictate them where they should sit when the event was theirs and they paid money for it?

They should sit side by side so they could experience the moment they would become one big family together. 

Mr and Mrs Wu have no problem with that. They also felt like the Long's family snd theirs were one big happy family.