A man who could not separate his feeling from the business was a useless man

Ryn followed Jeremy down o the ground floor. Jacob was with them and he followed behind them as they went to the entrance. A car was already waiting for them and the driver quickly opened the door for Jeremy. 

Jeremy did not get into the car immediately but he waited for Ryn to get into it first before he went to another side of the car. Seeing this, the driver hurriedly went to open the other door for Jeremy.

Jacob, on the other hand, went to the passenger side beside the driver. He looked behind at Ryn and gave her a look, asking silently how she was feeling right now. Could she cope with the stress, or does she still needs the time to gather her thought?

Ryn gave him a calm look despite inside she has a lot of questions to ask. However, she knew now was not the right time to ask seeing how angry Jeremy was. She was scared to ask because she did not want him to get angrier.