A tragic fate

Mei Li held her laughter when she learned Jeremy was on the way for lunch. Of course, she declined the invitation, not wanting to be the gooseberry between the engaged couple.

Ryn already signed the contract and Mei Li would send it back to the company. She would do a follow-up with everything including the payment. She also would need to finish the other contracts including the ones for Harry.

"Do you think he can do this one?" Mei Li asked as she handed a file to Ryn.

"As my partner? Yeah, he can do it," Ryn replied. She knew about the project because she just discussed it with Mei Li and agreed to do it. It would be next week so the casting would be either tomorrow or the day after. As she was already chosen by the brand, she did not have to go to the casting.

Mei Li put it aside. She would inform Harry about the casting and explain what the brand expected so he could be prepared before the casting.