The mistake woman

Ryn was late. She missed her flight and had to buy another ticket for the flight. All the blame went to her fiance who followed her like a shadow with a huge satisfied look on his face.

Yes, he decided he would accompany her for work.

She really could not believe the reason why she missed the flight. It was because he wanted to sort of experiment with what she meant by 'big' and claimed he needed to check to ensure what was going on with his body. He even had the guts to look worried when he told her rather naively that he was worried if they did not check it, they might not know if he was sick secretly. In order to check it, she needed to help him by using her body to check. When she pointed out rather dryly that they could check his health at the hospital, he clutched his chest and moaned that she no longer loved him and preferred a stranger to check him.