Then you should marry her..

They walked downstairs, and as they went down there Lucyndth noticed the atmosphere had changed since last night when he first broke into this place. It was no longer cold and suffocating to be in. It was now warmer and more welcome, while still being a little mysterious. Lucyndth payed more attention the library cafe this time, because last time, he was too caught up in the creepy atmosphere. The door in which he came through when he first saw the cafe was beside the counter. There were tables and desks in the middle of the room, while the rows of bookshelves were on the left and right side of the room. The stairs that lead to where Xinyung was staying were on the right side of the room behind the third bookshelf, so it was well hidden unless you knew that it existed. There was a sign on the wall beside the staircase that said 'Staff only'. Lucyndth was observing his surroundings so he didn't notice the man standing at the counter in the front of the room talking to him. "Lucyndth! It's common etiquette to answer when someone asks you a question! Also, please look them into their eyes while they're speaking to you." Xinyung was looking down in disappointment as he explained to Lucyndth how he was supposed to act. "Could you stop worrying about how I act and worry about your own issues, please? Before your point out my issues worry about your narcism!" Lucyndth snapped back at Xinyung, still not acknowledging the man in front of the counter. Xinyung's face turned slightly red as he turned to the man that has been waiting patiently this entire time. As Lucyndth noticed that Xinyung was looking at this man, so did he. The man had their full attention.

"So you two finally stopped you side conversations I see? I've been waiting patiently for you to show me what you've called me here for." The entire time this man was talking, he was looking at Lucyndth, but after he finished, he turned his attention towards Xinyung. Xinyung nodded and cleared his throat as he moved from behind the counter and started to walk towards Lucyndth.

" Mr.Zinhu, I have called you here today to tell you that I have found a compatible person to make a blood agreement with. I've used a spell on them and noticed that this kid is not actually human…." As Xinyung said that, Lucyndth looked at him and wanted to say something, but didn't. Mr.Zihu's aura was to intimidating. "...As you know, a human's body is not compatible to make a blood agreement with demons. If a demon and a human would try to do so, it would end with the human dead and the demon severely injured."

Lucyndth was certain now, Xinyung was not human. It was either that or Xinyung was insane and the dream he had was just a coincidence! " It should've been obvious that this girl isn't human by the the fact that she was able to get into this place, for it is well hidden from humans." She? Did this man just call Lucyndth a SHE? Lucyndth wanted Xinyung to correct Mr.Zinhu, but it was obvious he was to busy trying to hold back a laugh, but he wouldn't dare laugh in front of this man. Lucyndth glared at him. Mr.Zinhu noticed the small smirks on Xinyungs face and frowned. "I feel that your not taking me seriously. This girl must have messed up your head for you to dare laugh in front of me. She must be...a girlfriend of yours? You know that if it's true, then you have to marry her." Xinyung and Lucyndth looked at each other.